    [ Created: 2020-06-10 07:19:33  Updated: 2020-06-14 09:59:31   Owner: rl ]
Title: The spirit of Bondage    

"And ye shall Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free." - Joh 8:32

Bondage is a spirit. Some operate in it to Bind. Some operate in it to be Bound.

Bondage is what we are seeing in the land today.

How do we break the spirit of Bondage - both in the binder and in the bound?

With the Truth.

"What is Truth?" Do you know who famously asked this question?

Pilate. When Jesus said that He came to bear Witness of the Truth, Pilate asked this question.

The Truth was standing right in front of him, talking with him. What did Pilate do upon asking this question? He went out to "the Jews" - the ones who were in the process of rejecting the Truth.

Had Pilate waited for Jesus to answer his question, Pilate would have heard the Saviour reveal himself and I believe Pilate would have been converted.

Instead, Pilate "went out to the Jews". He turned his back on the Truth. He washed his hands as if that somehow exonerated him from Guilt and turned his Saviour over to be crucified.

Pilate lost his opportunity to Know the Truth by respecting the opinion of "the Jews" above the Truth.

What did "the Jews" represent? A non-spiritual, secularized system of behaviour control.

Our country was founded on Faith in Christ Jesus. I.E. we were founded on Truth.

Because of the rise of Secularism, specifically SecularHumanism and its god, Socialism, we have become like Pilate. We are disconnected from the Truth while the Truth is standing right in front of us.

We have turned to "the Jews" of our day - people who believe in a fear based system of behaviour control. We have rejected the Truth which sets us Free.

The Sanhedrin (leadership of the Jews) of Jesus' day rejected the Truth and schemed to destroy it by the BondageSpirit. "The people" cried out "crucify Him" and so they rejected the Truth submitting to the BondageSpirit of the Sanhedrin.

The leadership of America has accepted the BondageSpirit of Socialism and have convinced the people to submit to the BondageSpirit of Socialism.

Will the BondageSpirit people (Socialists) crucify the Freedom people (Christians) in the same way that it did to our Lord?

Jesus had to Die and be Raised from the Dead. Christianity does not need to and will not Die. But it will be Persecuted by the BondageSpirit until our Lord Jesus Returns.

For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. - Rom 8:15

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2Ti 1:7

So Walk fearlessly in Power by the HolySpirit according to the Living Word!