I have never given credence to conspiracy theories.
However, what we have in the world today is mass brain-washing through the education system, media and entertainment.
Of late corporate America has joined in as well as has public health professionals.
The spirit of AntiChrist is rising. People make '666' mysterious. It is not. '6' is the number of man. '666' is just an evil man-oriented trinity which excludes God.
SecularHumanism has been elevated to the status of State Religion in many countries.
The struggle in our country is between SecularHumanism and Christianity.
The Political, Social and Economic issues are fallout from that struggle.
We are at a crossroads in America as to whether we will choose the Lord or Baal.
Baal means "to take ownership". This is the intent of Socialism, Communism and Islam.
If we choose the Lord we will live.
If we choose Baal we will die.