    [ Created: 2020-06-06 14:33:00  Updated: 2020-06-06 14:52:40   Owner: rl ]
Title: Fear destroys Psychologically, Physically and Spiritually    

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment . He that fears is not made perfect in love. - 1Jn 4:18

One of the benefits of Love (if not the greatest benefit) is Peace.

Fear and Peace are polar opposites:
- Fear tenses, Peace relaxes.
- Fear anticipates Evil, Peace anticipates Good
- Fear is stagnant, Peace is fluid
- Fear causes mistakes, Peace yields excellence
- Fear is of Satan, Peace is of God

God, who is Love, has manifested His Love for us in Christ Jesus who has baptized us with the HolySpirit who is God.

The Love of God eliminates Fear. It cannot exist in His Presence.

If Satan tries to cause you to Fear, snuggle up to the Love of God and watch that Fear be cast out!

How do you snuggle up to God's Love? You Speak His Word to which the HolySpirit will respond and Comfort you. He is the Comforter!