Who told you what you think you know?    
I must admit that I believed what I was told for a large part of my life.   I don`t think I was much different than most people in that respect.   

We trusted people.   

    they seemed like good people
    what they said made sense
    everyone else trusted them

So the question is: `Did something change or did we just find out the truth?`

To be honest, it was some of both.   I do believe people had a stronger attachment to honesty and integrity than they do now.   

However, the enemy, Satan, hasn`t changed and human nature has not changed.   

The `truth` that was told in the 1950`s was closer to the Truth than the `truth` being told today.   

The reason the 1950`s `truth` was closer to the Truth is that the rank and file citizen of American (and citizens of other western nations) were closer to faith in God than they are now.   

There is something about faith in an omniscient, all-seeing divinity that works as an effective check against gross immorality and lying.   

When America rejected God in 1962 it turned loose the bonds that kept the people in check, `freeing` them to pursue lies and deceptions without guilt.   

Accordingly, godless morality codes and political ideologies began to fester and morph into national standards and policies.   

Since, as mentioned above, most of what we `know` is something that we have heard from someone we trust, the potential for gross deception on an international scale became possible and, in fact, has come to pass.   

People in the 1950`s referenced the Bible as the authority on morality issues and referenced the Constitution as the authority on political issues.   Even our government seemed to honor both.   

The moral restrictions of the Bible have no legitimacy if there is no divine author.   

The political restrictions of the Constitution have no legitimacy if there is no divinity to grant unalienable rights to the people.   

Likewise, history changed from being an accurate account of what happened in the past, to a vehicle for either castigating a concept or elevating another as deemed worthwhile by the `historian`.   

In the field of science, the rigidity of what can be observed and what can be proven was gradually rejected in favor of theories and possibilities that opened the door for schemers to manipulate the masses.   

So, back to the question:
    WhoToldYou what you think you know?   
And the followup question:
    Can you trust them?   

Celebrity worshippers trust celebrities and believe what celebrities say.   

There is only one true celebrity and that is the Lord Jesus Christ .   

Every other celebrity is not one except in the minds of those who treat them as such.   

Interestingly the real celebrity, Christ Jesus, called Himself the Truth.   
Furthermore, He said you will know the Truth and it (He) will make you free.   

Billions of people have lost faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, the Bible.   Many even call this the post-Christian era.   But the Truth is:
    those that lost faith in Christ Jesus are doomed to hell
    those who discount the Bible are doomed to hell

So, when considering who and what to believe, avoid the lost at all costs.   They are blind to the Truth and can only lead others into the same ditch to which they have fallen.   

It is time for a sanity check.   
    it is insane to trust man
    it is sane to trust the Creator, Christ Jesus

When Jesus was asked to tell His disciples about the End Of The Age, the first thing He mentioned was deception.   
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Deception will be the hallmark of the end of the age.     

Before we need to know anything else about the future we need to be aware of deceivers.

If you are not anchored in the Written Word and the Incarnate Word, Christ Jesus, pull anchor and move to His harbor.   It is full of love, joy, peace, life, health and Truth.   

For those out there who believe they have figured out things for themselves and so only have to trust themselves, I have some news for you.   
    all ideas come from the Spirit Realm
    you were born with a corrupt spriit
    there are only two types of spirits
          good - Holy Spirit
          evil - Satan

So, lose your self-confidence.   It is actually Satan's confidence that he has slipped over on you.   

Repent of Self Worship and receive the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus by believing on Him as the Creator, risen Saviour and Lord of all.