    [ Created: 2020-06-06 07:33:08  Updated: 2020-06-06 08:03:38   Owner: rl ]
Title: Destroying false ideas, philosphies and religions    

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; - 2Co 10:5

It is the responsibility of every Christian to cast down Imaginations which are False.

To do this we must be able to determine what is a False Imagination.

Jesus is the Truth. The Word is the Truth. The specific aspect of the Truth in the above verse is the ObedienceOfChrist.

The Truth brings Light into our Imagination. That Light enables us to judge rightly - to distinguish between the True and the False.

When we Know the Truth we are made Free. That Freedom is not to be used cruelly. Rather it is to prepare us for sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom with others.

But the Truth must be augmented by the HolySpirit who enables us to apply the Truth in Love.

If you are going to cast someone's Imagination down, you better do it gently!

Regardless of the validity of a person's Ideology it is, after all, their Ideology. Human Pride resists direct attacks.

Heavy-handedness, even with the Truth, is unlikely to be successful. Remember, we do not cast down Imaginations for our sake, but for the sake of those in Error.

But, those False Imaginations must be cast down in order for the Deceived to move into the Freedom that the Truth provides.

So, be confident, be kind and be a Witness for the Truth - Christ Jesus.

False Imaginations:
  1. There is no God
  2. Man can solve man's problems
  3. There are no absolutes
  4. The ends justify the means
  5. Once you die, nothing follows
  6. People are basically good
  7. Any lifestyle is acceptable

All False Imaginations spring from a rejection of the KnowledgeOfGod.