There is value in Segregation. When you try to put two cultures together that have different value systems you are going to encounter unresolvable conflict. That is a fact.
I am not recommending forced Segregation. I am recommending an end to the foolishness of MultiCulturalism.
We are not a MeltingPot. If we were, by now we would all be one happy family.
Christianity and Islam will never reconcile.
BlackCulture and WesternCivilization will never mesh.
BLM (black supremacy) is proof. Skin heads (white supremacy) is proof.
Why won't many Hispanics learn English in an English speaking country?
Look at the ethnic enclaves in the major cities in America.
Where is the MeltingPot ? It doesn't exist.
People who come here and buy into American culture are absorbed.
Those who come here (or are born here) who hate American culture will always be a problem.
Homogeneity is Unity and oneness.
Heterogeneity is DisUnity and conflict.