The sin nature that all of us are born with is the problem. It is only through the New Birth that we have the power to overcome the Sin Nature.
Marvel not that I said unto you, You must be born again. - Joh 3:7
I am 68 yes old. I grew up in the 50's when there was Segregation. That was a peaceful, seething time.
In the 60's the civil rights movement turned the nation on its head. We lost that peace as Integration mandates were enforced. Welfare programs were implemented to address poverty in black communities.
The 70's were a time of peace with more seething in drugs and free sex.
In the 80's we begin to talk about Affirmative Action and turmoil arose again.
The 90's were a time of peace when computers and the internet absorbed society. But during this period an undercurrent of Hate was festering and being voiced through gangsta rap.
The 2000's saw more turmoil as Terrorism reared its head along with war and overt Immorality.
The 2010's was a period when America completely lost its way politically, socially and spiritually ( Constitutional violations and declarations that America is not a Christian nation).
We are now in the 2020's with blatant Lying, Corruption, Violence, Lawlessness, manipulation and Delusion reigning.
Talking, marching, law-making, policy changes etc. are not going to fix the problem of atheistic, socialistic, Fascism that is now running rampant in our society.
Repentance is the solution. That means we allow Christ Jesus to Transform us into New Creatures that are capable of love and looking beyond our Physical differences.
In the flesh we are incapable of escape from the Sin Nature that we were born with. Unless we admit the real problem, we will Perish in Delusion.
Jesus did not relish saying this but He had to because it was the truth then and it is the truth now:
I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. - Luk 13:3
This Repentance is about being Saved - not just from Hell - but from destroying ourselves in this life.
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. - Act 4:12
No other person, no other Philosophy, no other Goverment, no other Economic system can solve the problem that is a Heart separated from God.
The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - Joh 10:10
As prosperous as we are as a country, our Peace, our Health, our Trust, our Integrity and our Future is being stolen by the Enemy.
Jesus wants to give each of us Abundant Life and through His Body (the Redeemed) Heal our country and the world.
He has been the only solution for 2000 years. I challenge each of you to explore the unsearchable riches of Christ. He Loves You.