Have you ever tried to make something and it did not turn out as you intended? All of us have at some point, even if the only time was when we were in school.
When a child makes something and it doesn`t turn out that well, the parent still congratulates the child for its effort.
But when an adult makes something and it turns out wrong, that something is thrown out.
No one congratulates an adult for making a mess.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And everything was good. When He created man, He said it was very good.
But God made man like Himself with the ability to imagine, to speak, to act and to do so freely.
All the evil that has come about in the Lord`s perfect creation is a result of His gift of Free Will to mankind.
Jesus explained what is going on in terms of good seed and evil seed, wheat and tares, sheep and goats. His point is that the people on earth are either good or evil by choice of the seed that they receive into their hearts.
Because He created all things for His pleasure He has the right to do with His creation as He desires. His desire is for all mankind to be saved, but His wisdom and righteousness requires Him to reject those who choose the evil seed of rebellion and wickedness.
Accordingly, at the end of the age, He will destroy those who have given themselves over to depravity, while elevating those who have chosen the good seed of His Words to a glorified state of eternal bliss.
At the end of the Millennial Kingdom age there will be a White Throne Judgment after which the tares and goats will be cast into the Lake Of Fire.
And lest there are some that believe His warning of coming judgment upon the wicked is merely an idle threat, there is the instance of The Flood in our past when He judged the world by His standards and found them worthy of death.