    [ Created: 2020-05-26 18:03:35  Updated: 2020-05-26 18:53:31   Owner: rl ]
Title: Being without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law    

When something is Invalid it is no good and should be thrown out.

Things that are Invalid:
1. any credential with an expired date
2. any law that violates the Constitution
3. any Religion that rejects Jesus Christ as Lord (God)
4. any idea that conflicts with God's Word.
5. any person who dies without having Reeived Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord

We all pretty much agree on 1) above. Once a credential expires we get it renewed or we throw it away.

The Left does not accept the truth of 2). Actually, they work round the clock to invalidate the Constitution.

I wonder how many Christians even believe 3). They say, "what about the Jews?". -- They are Lost because their Religion is Invalid.

Again, I wonder how many Christians accept 4) in their Hearts. If God's Word does not invalidate ideas that cinflict with it, then it can't be God's Word, can it?

People can be Invalid? Heb 9:27 says that after death comes the judgment. Rev 20:15 says that all those who have not Received Jesus are cast into the lake of fire. Yea, people can become Invalid.

Remember the definition? Invalid means that something is not legal and thus has no value and so it should be thrown away.

I love my country that is based on the Constitution which protects my God-given rights. Attacks against the Constitution rile my red blood.

However, attacks against the validity of the Bible (God's written Word) or Christ Jesus (the only Saviour) rile my Spiritual blood even more.

People can live in a country where expired credentials are used, where laws are enacted in violation of the Constitution.

People can live in a world where there are false Religions, and ideologies that conflict with the Word of God.

But people cannot live without Christ Jesus. 1Jn 5:12 says that you cannot have Life without having the Son (Jesus).

To try to live life without Christ ultimately results in the person being deemed Invalid at the judgment. This is not God's Will!

But it will happen because people reject the Free gift if Eternal Life through Christ Jesus the Lord.

Every person comes into this world with an Invalid stamp on their forehead. The Sin that is in Humanity came from Adam and has been passed down to us all.

Gid had to come to earth as a man to rectify the Invalid statua on His Creation. We call Him Jesus.

Upon suffering the penalty for our Sins and taking upon Himself our diseases, He arose from the dead and now lives to administer Grace, Mercy and Power to those who will Believe.

Don't credentialize yourself or let others validate you. Don't be arrogant in your own ideas. And above all, don't spend another day wearing that Invalid stamp.

Receive Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Open the Bible (start with John), start talking regularly with God, start attending Grace and Faith Church.

In Christ you are a NewCreature with a NewNature - a valid one!

For those of you who already know Christ, do an inspection to make sure that you agree with 1-5 above. Your future on earth depends on knowing what is Invalid so that you avoid it.