[ Created: 2024-02-21 18:05:22  Updated: 2024-02-25 08:01:50 Owner: rl ]
Title: Who and what is God and can we know Him?    



Even atheists and agnostics believe in god.   To the atheist god is himself.   To the agnostic God is mysterious and unknowable.   

And then there are the various religions of the world which purport to know something about God.   But they differ on many dimensions.   

If there is a God, then why doesn`t He just clear up the unbelief, the doubts and misunderstandings?   

Well, there is a God and He did.   

Humans throughout history have always fashioned gods after human beings.   Why?   
    man was created in the image of God
They knew this going all the way back.   

So, it makes sense for man to visualize God as some super `man`.   

This preoccupation with the image thing caused a lot of divergence away from God.   

It turns out that God is a Spirit.   

Jesus said that Spirits cannot be seen.   

Furthermore, we understand intuitively that God must be bigger than that which He creates - or at least be able to circumnavigate it.   

From the Bible we gather that God is omnipresent - or everywhere.   What kind of super-man could be everywhere?   
    no man

So, our search for God leads us to a dead end.   He cannot be seen and He is bigger than the universe He created.   

How is man to know who and what such a God is.   And how is man to know that God?   

This is where Jesus comes in.   

God is intelligent (consider the order of the universe and the programming in DNA).   So, it is likely He had a purpose in creation.   

What is that purpose?   

That is where Jesus comes in.   

God created all life and He created all the beautiful things in the universe.   So it appears that at some level God is good.   

But what about sickness, disease, death, hate and violence?   Is God responsible for these evil things?   

That is where Jesus comes in.   
    Jesus is the Truth about God
    Jesus is the Way to God
    Jesus is the Life of God

Jesus came to take our guilt upon Himself.   He came to take our sicknesses and diseases upon Himself.   He came to deliver us from death.   He came to set us free.   

But most of all, Jesus came to give Himself to us in His Holy Spirit.   

Only those who receive Jesus and begin to grow in Grace and knowledge of Him ever experience God.   

Those that receive the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus not only know Him but are in Him and He is in them.   

Such are eternally secure in Him.   
But you are not in the flesh, but in the Holy Spirit, if so be that the Holy Spirit dwell in you.     Now if any man have not the Holy Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ.     
The Spirit Of Christ is the Holy Spirit .     

We are In Christ which means we are in the Holy Spirit.     It is the Holy Spirit in us and us in the Holy Spirit that makes us His child.