A site that is first and foremost mercenary    
Now, is is simply naive to think that content just appears out of nowhere.   
    someone has to create the content
    someone must store the content
    someone must make the content available

That being said, we have reached a point where there are way more sites with false or misleading content than not.   

How can you tell if you are dealing with an Evil Website?   Their content
    is different than their headlines
    does not measure up to their headlines
    is only available by subscription
    is partially obscured by popups
    leaves you totally disappointed

Why are there so many Evil Websites and those which mimic Evil Websites?   

But isn`t that what capitalism is all about?   Yes, but...   

The commodity that capitalism historically trafficked in was only money and material products.   

Now, capitalism has spread into the market of psychological manipulation first and foremost with the expectation that it can be monetized.   

No longer does a company have to have a real product, with real infrastructure, with real employees.   Now, all that is needed is a website.   

Sure, there is maybe one employee who does the programming and system support but there is no need to have real capital investment by the company owner or venture capitalists.   

As a result, the number of `store-fronts` has increased to the point that it is virtually impossible to find the stores that actually have viable products.   

The ramifications of the proliferation of smoke and mirror sites is that there will be fewer and fewer sites that get real business - those that people have a history with.   

In order to introduce a new product, traditional businesses gave away free samples.   Their business model allowed for this expense as it enabled them to get a foot in the door.   

Now, if your product is ineffective (or non-existent) you cannot afford to give away free-samples.   

So, one good way to identify an Evil Website is one which offers no free samples but requires registration and payment up front for a possible purchase of their product.   

Yes, this is `common practice` these days, but that does not make it any less evil.   

As I said, some websites are taking on the Evil Websites mode of operation to their own detriment.   I for one refuse to register to get a `free` sample of anything as my identification information is a `price` being exacted from me.   

As to popups obscuring content, I believe this serves two purposes:
    get advertising revenue from the advertiser
    break down the psyche of the user

I am showing my naivete again by not accepting the big business of click-revenue.   I am aware of how big it is but it is not real business.   It is fake business.   

Many times a user must click on a popup to make it go away.   If they happen go to the click site, they immediately leave it.   How does that help the merchant in the popup?   

One of the amazing things that we see happening (because of greed) is that established internet retail companies are getting into the popup scam (scamming the public).   

Historically, merchants valued their established customers (and we know that all internet businesses know those who have patronized them).   So, it makes no sense from a good-will perspective to treat repeat customers like they don`t know what they are doing or what they want.   

Badgering apparently works on a large segment of our population.   

I can proudly say that badgering has the normal affect on me.   I depart that site asap.   

Well, I cannot speak to the majority as to where they are psychologically.   However, I can say without reservation, that if you are in an abusive situation you need to get out of it.   

Evil Websites are abusive.   Anyone who spends time with them or patronizes them is enabling them to be abusive to them and others.   

Self-discipline seems to be a thing of the past.   Nowadays most people are totally carnal, responding to urges for immediate self-gratification.   

I would like to think that there will be some cleanup on the Internet with the number of Evil Websites going down.   

But I am not hopeful.   

By the way, I am not talking about porn, child trafficking or other sexcapade sites.   That is for another day...