    [ Created: 2020-05-15 15:04:44  Updated: 2020-05-15 15:17:10   Owner: rl ]
Title: Believing something to be true intellectually    

HeadFaith is necessary for HeartFaith.

HeadFaith enables a person to give the correct intellectual response about what they Believe 'in their head'.

HeartFaith manifests through a changed Life.

What we Believe in our head to be True has value but no Power.

It is from the abundance of the Heart that the mouth speaks. Luk 6:45

As a person thinks in their Heart so are they. Pro 23:7

A person who has HeadFaith but no HeartFaith may never share their Faith with another person.

A person with HeartFaith will consistently Speak of their Faith because it is in their Heart.