[ Created: 2024-02-19 07:55:52  Updated: 2024-02-19 09:07:25 Owner: rl ]
Title: That which takes hold of a person convincing them that death is the solution    



Those who do not have the Spirit Of Suicide cannot understand how anyone could kill themselves.   

But those who have the Spirit Of Suicide see quite clearly that killing themselves is the solution.   

How can this be?   How does this divergence occur?   

Man was created for relationship with His Creator, Christ Jesus.   

Satan, the enemy, is hell-bent on preventing such a relationship and breaking such relationship if one exists.   

What happens when a person is not in relationship with Christ Jesus?   
    they fill their lives with other things
    they are vulnerable to the attacks of Satan

The `other things` are false gods.   Whatever we value, whatever we believe in, is our god.   

How does Satan attack us?   
    takes advantage of self-esteem

Some people have high self-esteem.   Such people Satan nudges into the pride arena, leading them into Self Worship (his great sin).   

Some people have low self-esteem.   Such people Satan nudges into self-loathing which can manifest several ways:
    drug abuse
    sexual promiscuity
    abusive relationships

As terrible as it is to see a person fall under the Spirit Of Suicide resulting in their death and the heartbreak of family and friends, it is much more catastrophic when a society falls under that spirit.   

It is the Spirit Of Suicide which is reigning in America and many parts of the world today as a result of its people departing from the living God - Christ Jesus.   

The Spirit Of Anti Christ is the master spirit which has opened the doors in those exposed to it to the Spirit Of Suicide.   

Considering the history of the world over the past 300 plus years, we saw
    the Enlightenment causing a falling away from Christ Jesus.   
    the rise of atheism and agnosticism and
    the rise of False Science and
    the rise of immorality and
    the decline of individual character and
    the decline of our national character.   

So, what we are experiencing now is Satan`s end-game - to bring the world under the Spirit Of Suicide through the spread of the Spirit Of Anti Christ.   

Satan hates humanity .   

The policies that world leaders are following are suicidal.   

Population control is a palatable term.   But what it implies is abortion, euthanasia, war, and other forms of genocide.   

Net Zero is another palatable term.   However, it implies that those things what are creating a short-term imbalance must be eliminated in order to bring things back in balance.   It is a foolhardy objective which will undermine the world economy and the health of the people.   

Socialism is another palatable term.   But what it does is eliminate incentives resulting in lower productivity, scarcity, wars and starvation.   

DEI sounds good - diversity, equity, inclusion.   But it is another way to disincentivise people thus reducing excellence and productivity, resulting in scarcity and ultimately wars and starvation.   

Gender Bending doesn`t even sound right but it is being promoted to destroy the individuals who participate and the society in which they live and are promoted.   

Taxation is an ugly term but that does not prevent those under the control of the Spirit Of Anti Christ to extort more and more money from the productive element of society to support the unproductive.   When the taxed suckers realize what is going on, they too will become unproductive with the result of a collapsed economy, scarcity, war and starvation.   

These are just a few of the policies that are being promoted by Satan through his children who are under the influence of the Spirit Of Anti Christ and the Spirit Of Suicide.   

What is the treatment for an individual under the influence of the Spirit Of Suicide?   
    deliverance from their bondage to it
    filling the cleaned house with the Spirit Of Christ Jesus

What is the treatment for a society, a nation and the world under the influence of the Spirit Of Suicide?   
    preaching of the Gospel
    deliverance ministries
    champions of righteousness
    politicians who serve Christ Jesus

Notice that I did not mention praying for the person, or society or nation or the world.   

Prayer is to prepare a believer to go our into the world with the authority of Christ Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit to do the things enumerated above.   

Suicide can be prevented but it will take the power of the Holy Spirit in men preaching the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   

Nothing else.