[ Created: 2020-05-04 09:58:13  Updated: 2022-11-12 18:01:23 Owner: rl ]
Title: The Priesthood of the Believer     


The model for Israel was that the tribe of Levi was to serve as priests.   Out the tribe of Levi would be chosen a High Priest.   

The model for Christianity is that all believers are members of the priesthood 'tribe' and that Christ Jesus is the eternal High Priest.   

As High Priest Jesus offered His own body once and for all for sin.   I.E.   for all sin (past present and future) for all people (even unbelievers).   

Yes, all Christians are to function as priests to the whole world, pointing non-Christians to the Lord Jesus Christ who is the High Priest.   

I am a member of the 'clergy' and have ministered as a pastor for 42 years, but I have never seen myself above any other believer.   That 'elevation' was not part of my calling.   I cannot speak for others.   

My calling was and is to teach and preach Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord to the lost and to Disciple those who believe in Him.   

I cannot judge another man's servant, I can only serve as He has led me.   However,

However, I believe we have missed the mark in Christianity by nor emphasizing the " Priesthood of the Believer" and inappropriately elevating those who serve in the Five Fold Ministry.   

Now, honor is good.   Respect is good.   But listen to the Words of Jesus:
And whoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.    - Mar 10:44

Serving in the Five Fold Ministry is a higher order of Service - not a higher order of Rank.   

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: Luk 12:48

We have One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism and it is Christ Jesus.   

And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.   These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel.    - Exo 19:6

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: - 1Pe 2:9

Wherefore, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; - Heb 3:1

Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.    - Heb 4:14

So, discount tradition and organizational orthodoxy.   See yourself as Christ intended you to be.   

Jesus and the Father are One.   Joh 10:30
We are Sons of God.   1Jn 3:2
We are in Christ.   Joh 17:21 Joh 17:23
We are joint-heirs of all things with Christ.   Rom 8:17

Function as such by the Holy Spirit and Word.   

This is the Will of God!   Eph 6:6 Phi 2:13

The Holy Spirit is the head of the Body Of Christ.    The proof of inappropriate emphasis on ministers and ministerial hierarchy is the lack of functioning faith in the Body of Christ.   

In 2020 most ministers went and hid behind the bushes instead of raising a hue and cry against fear (of C O V I D) and fascism (forced closings, distancing, masking, vaxxing, etc).   

The Holy Spirit is the power of Christ Jesus who is supposed to be the head of the body such that every member of the body is receiving direction from Him.   

My hands do not tell my fingers to move and neither does my arm tell my hand to move.   Every member of my body responds to the thoughts of my head.   My hand facilitates what my fingers do and my arm facilitates what my hand does but all direction and motivation come from my head.   

Until the body understands who the head ( Holy Spirit) is and begins to honour Him and defer to Him we will remain weak and ineffectual.   
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. - 2Ti 3:5
Jesus said tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high.     The power that was received was the Holy Spirit, God Himself.     

The Holy Spirit, who is God, is the power of our Faith.     To deny the power of God is to deny the Holy Spirit in us who is Christ in us, our only hope.     Col 1:27