[ Created: 2024-02-18 08:26:38  Updated: 2024-02-19 07:22:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: Billions of people worship a false god and don`¿½t realize it    



False hope is the worst kind of hope.   

Man is not the solution to the problems of man.   His problems are bigger than himself.   

The enemy ( Satan) comes at every person and every society and every nation and in fact, the whole world, with the lie that `I have the solution`.   

The message of the holy scriptures and the message of history is that man is woefully in need of supernatural help.   He cannot save himself from himself.   

Along came Science.   And real science is good, revealing the glory of our Creator.   

Just as with every other thing in the world that our Lord created, Satan comes along and creates a counterfeit.   

Satan uses the counterfeit to accomplish two things:
    distract man from His Creator
    destroy himself

False Science is the product of deception that Satan has created in the past two hundred years to destroy mankind.   

The Big Lies that Satan has clothed with the term `science` have drawn billions of people away from the true and living Saviour, Christ Jesus, into the darkness of death.   

Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to believe in Him to the point that we trust Him in all the issues of life.   

False Science has reared its ugly head to steal the faith and trust which rightfully belong to our Lord, turning them toward man himself.   

Whatever a person believes in and trusts is that which he worships.   

So, though many will deny they worship science the evidence contradicts that claim.   In 2020 we saw most of the people on earth turning away from trusting the Lord to trusting a handful of men that claimed they could save us with a vaccine.   

Those people were willing to give up their freedoms as evidence of their trust in men.   

Since then we have seen the Climate Change False Science maneuvering believers in it into creating an economic crisis and a change in everything our very lifestyles.   

Not only that, but we see the False Science of gender-bending arise to the destruction of individuals, our education system, corporate America and society at large.   

Christians have the Truth.   It is time we go to war head-to-head with the liar, Satan, and all of his children who promote his lies.