The Creator's plan is to have Children who are one with Him in Spirit, who desire to be with Him for Eternity.
His Plan is unfolding in multiple phases:
- Phase 1 - Adam and Eve in Eden
- Phase 2 - Pre-flood
- Phase 3 - Post-flood to Abraham
- Phase 4 - Abraham to Moses
- Phase 5 - Moses to Christ Jesus
- Phase 6 - God in the flesh as sacrificial lamb - Christ Jesus
- Phase 7 - Ascension to Return
- Phase 8 - Millennial Kingdom
- Phase 9 - New Heaven and Earth
The first phase of His plan was very short (or at least it seems so from the account). Adam chose Knowledge of Good and Evil over oneness with God.
The second phase saw man fulfilling His command to replenish the earth. Unfortunately, the parenting during that period omitted teaching the children about God.
The third phase was again a time for man to replenish the earth. Noah and his sons dropped the ball as parents by not teaching their children about God.
The fourth phase focused on a relationship between God and Abraham and his descendents.
The fifth phase saw man make a performance-based covenant with God to their own destruction.
The sixth phase saw God come to earth to establish His peace toward mankind and to provide a means for true Relationship - the New Birth and Discipleship.
The seventh phase is the one we are in now where Christ has left His Disciples as stewards of His Kingdom till He returns.
The eighth phase will be one where Christ Jesus rules the natural world from the restored Kingdom of Israel on the throne of David.
The nineth phase will be Eternal where those who have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior live with Him forever to explore His Nature and His Realm as His Children.
The fact that God can see the end from the beginning and yet was willing to sacrifice His Sovereignty over earth to mankind in each of the first seven phases, while still allowing self-will in the eight phase is amazing.
It shows us the Love and Patience of God who, even for those who would willfully reject Him, gave the experience of Life for a space of time. Existence is an awesome gift to every person!
But in the ninth phase His plan is accomplished. There is a mass of human beings whom no man can number worshiping and reveling in the things that "eye has not seen, nor ear heard neither has entered into the heart of man".
Thank you Lord for Existence, for Forgiveness, for Healing, for Eternal Life and for Abundant Life which is to "know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent"!
And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and Honour, and Glory, and Power, be unto Him that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Rev 5:13
The Reason For Man by E W Kenyon
If the Earth is the reason for the heavens, and Man is the reason for the Earth, what is the reason for Man?
There is only one answer, and it is very simple: the lonely heart of the great Father God.
Paul tells us in Ephesians that "all Fatherhood heads up in God, whether the families on earth or the families in heaven."
God's heart yearned for children, craved sons and daughters,
He had angels to minister to Him as servants, but He wanted children, so He spent with Love's wonderful patience age on age in the preparation of the Earth and Heavens for His Man.
If this be true, and true it is; then Man is a most wonderful Being.
If God so wanted Man and so loved Man that He spent millions of years in preparation for him, what a place that Man must hold in His heart, in His dream, in His Eternity!
"Man has become master of the world. Other creatures hold their lives at his pleasure; the earth yields her stores of fruits, fuels, and minerals to his machinery; he collects power from the rivers and the sun; he communicates his thoughts around the world almost instantaneously; he explores the universe with his telescope and spectroscope; and he rides on air, land, and water at speeds exceeding that of the swiftest of birds."
(Even in his fallen and dethroned estate man bears traces of his original position as master of the universe).