[ Created: 2024-02-18 06:42:12  Updated: 2024-02-18 06:45:31 Owner: rl ]
Title: The communication of the Eternal Word to the prophets    



For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of the Lord spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit who filled Jesus also spoke through the prophets about Him who would be Saviour and Lord and King.     

Most believers do not understand the nature of our Lord's partnership with us.     He is very reluctant to do anything in the earth unilaterally.     He moves on men by His Holy Spirit inspiring and empowering them to words and actions.     

(I wonder how many Old Testament people were inspired and empowered that never spoke or acted.     We never heard of them because they kept quiet and refused to act).     

The Holy Spirit does not force anyone to speak or to act.     This is exactly why the world is in the mess it is in today.     The Holy Spirit has been excluded by many believers and those who have received Him have not been obedient.     

By the way, we are holy by faith In Christ which results in the Holy Spirit abiding in us who then produces right speech and right actions in us (ie, the evidence of holiness).     

May believers begin to understand that the ball is in our court as the Lord has given us everything for life and holiness , most importantly, Himself in the Holy Spirit

The following is from Soul Of God    
In the beginning was the Soul, and the Soul was with the Holy Spirit, and the Soul was the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean by in the beginning was the Word ?       
    A 'word' is an expression of an idea.       
    An idea comes from a mind that is self-aware and able to think.       
    When a word is spoken it has a purpose and it often has an intensity or emotion connected with it.       
    Mind, will and emotions constitute a Soul.       

So, the Soul Of God existed in the beginning.       

What does it mean by the Word was with God ?       
    God is a Spirit
    A spirit is the qualitative aspect of a being.       It represents the nature and value system of that being.       
    The spirit of a being is the essence of that being.       
    So, the Soul Of God was with the Spirit Of God in the beginning.       

What does it mean by the Word was God ?       
    It means that the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God constitute one divine being.       

emphasizes the fact that the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God existed in the beginning.       

tells us that this God who is Soul and Spirit created all things.       

tells us that Jesus made the world.       

tells us that the Soul Of God, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us.       Now we have the Body Of God.       This is Jesus.       

tells us that Jesus is the express image of God.       

So, God is a single being who is Spirit Soul And Body just as man is who was created in His image .       
    the Soul Of God,
    the Spirit Of God and
    the Body Of God
constitute one God as is emphasized in .       

When we listen to the words of a being we get an understanding of that being.     

The Soul Of God, who is the Eternal Word, was manifested In Christ Jesus the Incarnate Word who was prophesied by His Holy Spirit and recorded in the Written Word.