[ Created: 2020-04-30 10:00:46  Updated: 2024-02-14 09:49:33 Owner: rl ]
Title: Charles Darwin - a sad person, a terrible legacy    



After doing some reading on Darwin, his theory and spiritual death-spiral I am reminded of the passage:
And even as they did not like to retain the Lord in their knowledge, the Lord gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Men 'did not like to retain God in their knowledge'.     This means that they once knew there was a God but chose to disavow Him because they did not like Him.     

Every human being is born with a sense that there is a Supreme Being.     

On what basis does a person decide to reject the notion of God?      Rebellion .     
Every other explanation they offer is just cover for the fact that they hate God and wish that He did not exist.     Such are children of Satan - the first rebel.     

This is why repentance is needed to come to God in Christ Jesus.     One must see themselves as a rebel in opposition to the very One who created them and loved them enough to die for their reconciliation to Himself.     

Those who persist in their rebellion against God spiral down eventually getting to the point where they are unreachable by the Truth.     

Such end up with Reprobate Minds because they knowingly and willfully reject the Truth, Jesus Christ.     

There are two major results of this:
    they do things which are self-destructive
    the Holy Spirit ceases to draw them.

and the following:
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
The beast will exercise influence and power over all those who have received his mark, name or number.     

Those in his power did not receive a Love Of The Truth through Christ Jesus and so were deceived,

And for this cause the Lord shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Not having a Love Of The Truth resulted in them falling under the power of Strong Delusion to believe the lie of the Anti Christ.

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Damnation is the end result of rejection of the Truth, believing the lie and worshipping unrighteous pleasure.

Evolution Theory is a theory which was devised to provide an explanation for the variety of life apart from a Creator.   Darwin was a man who could not accept the authority of the Lord and His plan of creation.   He looked for an alternate explanation of life and Satan provided him one.   

Evolution Theory cannot be proven.   It will always be nothing more than a theory.   It is not science but an attempt to promote a godless philosophy in scientific terms.   Scientific facts must be provable by laboratory experiment that must be repeatable.   There is no proof for any aspect of the theory of evolution.   There is not even a shred of evidence to support.   There is no example of any organism morphing its DNA.   

There is One Designer - the Holy Spirit.   That is why there is similarity between the species.   The fundamental design constructs are the same for all life: sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, DNA, cells, tissue, organs, organisms.   When the Lord performed each creative act: He saw that it was good .   

For every Truth that the Lord has established, Satan has created a lie.   For every beautiful concept from the Lord, Satan has fabricated a mockery.   

Darwin could not accept revelation from the Lord as a possibility.   His brilliant mind now sees the prospect of eternal death apart from the Holy Spirit who created him for something better - eternal Life through Jesus Christ His Son.   He could not accept this Jesus by faith.   He could not believe, he could only think.   

So sad for him and all the millions of people who have been drawn away from their loving Heavenly Father as a result of the lie that Satan fed his fevered brain!   

Darwin should not be honored - he should be pitied.   

Before one takes a different path one must doubt the path one is on.   

This was Darwin`s fatal error - to doubt that there is a God who is big enough, intelligent enough and imaginative enough to have created the cosmos and all the varieties of life in one instant .   

Don`t be like Darwin - a failed man who caused others to fall.