The word God simply means divinity. It is not the name of the Creator. Many people worship God (divinity) in a variety of ways. Every religion was founded by a man who had a concept of divinity, expressed that concept to others and so established a religion around that concept.
So which religion is the true one? None of them are true. Not even Judaism or Christianity.
The true religion is Christ Jesus who is both divine and human. Jesus is the revelation of divinity. He is the express image of what we call God.
But Jesus refers to His Father. Does that mean there are two divine beings? Not at all.
→ The Father is the Holy Spirit who is the eternal, omniscient, omnipresent divine Spirit.
→ Jesus is the body and soul of the Holy Spirit and He expresses in nature, in Word and in deed the Holy Spirit.
→ The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, expressing His nature and inspiring Him to speak and do His will.
Our divine Creator is spirit, soul and body and His name is Jesus.
But what is the personal nature of Jesus?
→ He is full of Grace and Truth
→ He is love
→ He is sacrifice
→ He is teacher
→ He is strength
→ He is salvation
→ He is healing
→ He is deliverer
→ He is resurrector
→ He is life
→ He is judge
→ He is King
→ He is Lord
The True Nature of God by Barry Bennett
We often subconsciously live with a traditional, religious view of God.
You will know that view is yours if you are always feeling guilty, rejected or self-condemned.
You could even have a right doctrine about the goodness of God, but that understanding may only be mental.
If the joy of the Lord isn’t your strength, you probably have a wrong view of God.
What are God’s desires for you? When we understand His nature we can understand His desires.
Consider the following phrases that reveal the heart of God:
…the God of patience and consolation ()
…the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace ()
…the God of peace be with you all. ()
…the God of all comfort ()
…the God of all grace.... make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you. ()
Praise God! He is the God of patience, consolation, hope, peace, comfort and the God of all grace!
Once this revelation of the true nature of God consumes you, you will be free to enjoy life.
Whatever you are going through, there is provision for you.
Get your eyes on the God of all grace and receive His comfort, peace, joy and patience today.