    [ Created: 2020-05-20 07:50:38  Updated: 2021-08-24 10:02:51   Owner: rl ]
Title: Against the provisions of the U.S. Constitution    

It is past time for American citizens, businesses, churches and other organizations to file class action suits against officials of the government and law enforcement officers who have violated their Constitutional rights
-- to assemble,
-- to protest,
-- to pursue their employment,
-- to recreate and
-- to otherwise enjoy the benefits and privileges provided by the Constitution and BillOfRights.

The suit should not be against the offices but the officers. There is no office in the land which has the charge of violating the Constitutional rights of the citizens.

The violations have occurred because of over-reach on the part of individuals. No person can claim "following orders" to be excused for these violations.

Since these violations are traitorous in nature, the penalty to be exacted on each person found in violation should be commensurate with that of traitors.

Because of the tremendous financial loss by the citizens, there should be an extreme financial penalty levied along with prison sentences.

It is important that the individuals who took it upon themselves to commit such egregious crimes be made examples of. The severity of the penalties imposed should be such that they preclude any similar action in the future.

America's future as a free people must be guaranteed against usurpers for our children and children's children's sake.

20210824 update Point of clarification:

Any law or regulation or mandate which violates the Bill of Rights is UnConstitutional and should not be enforced or obeyed.

Furthermore, the legislators, executives, and agencies which put forward such laws, mandates or regulations are domestic enemies of the Constitution and hence the people whom it protects.

Such violators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.