[ Created: 2020-04-25 07:03:52  Updated: 2023-10-21 19:55:28 Owner: rl ]
Title: Making a substance impure by adding a different substance    



The word "Contamination" implies that purity in the substance at hand is a good thing.   

I love fried eggs.   But I don't want any egg shell in my eggs.   That would be a contamination.   

If you add enough of substance B to substance A, the result will be more like substance B.   

If you take an ounce of white paint and gradually add drops of black paint while stirring, the result is continuously darkening Shades Of Gray.   You no longer have white, and given enough black drops the result will be virtually black.   

If you want a shade of gray instead of white, then you would not consider the addition of black to the white paint a bad thing.   It would not be contamination.   

So, personal opinion and usage determine whether the change is contamination or an improvement.   

Our founding fathers were prejudiced towards freedom and capitalism.   The government they laid out in the constitution had the purpose of ensuring freedom and capitalism.   

Patrick Henry said " Give me liberty, or give me death!".   

" Live Free or Die" is the motto of the state of new Hampshire.   

From these examples we see how early America's political philosophy was pure.   This pureness of political philosophy encouraged exploration and industry resulting in the young country quickly outstripping the rest of the world.   

Over time, people who did not subscribe to Patrick Henry's commitment to liberty or did not appreciate the potential of capitalism began to multiply.   

From my perspective these people were a contamination of the American vision.   

Parallel to the rise of the American vision and in concert with it was the national commitment to the God of the Bible and particularly the lordship of Christ Jesus.   

This is not to say that every person in early America was a Christian.   But everyone understood and acknowledged the pureness of America's religious philosophy.   

Over time, people who did not subscribe to America's religious philosophy began to multiply.   The reason for this is found in the parable of wheat and tares.   

From my perspective these unbelievers were a contamination of the American religious philosophy.   

Again, contamination is subject to personal opinion and usage.   So, there are many which consider the rise of socialism and atheism to be an improvement.   

At present our country is divided.   Once we were a free, Christian country.   Now we have an equal number of slave-minded atheists.   We as a nation are Double Minded.   

But Double Mindedness is not a good state to be in.   It is weak, wasteful and worrisome.   

Is our future one of grayness, blackness or whiteness?   That is up to the people who care.   

The people who care about freedom and Christianity will add more white to the mix.   

The people who care about bondage and unbelief will add more black to the mix.   
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The point of this verse is clarity.     Evil is spiritual disease.     Good is spiritual health.     Evil issues from Satan.     Good issues from the Holy Spirit.     

We are to see past the physical manifestation of good and evil to the spirit that inspires it.     In so doing, we operate from a position of superiority, enabling us to deal effectively to cast out the evil and to promote the good.     

Flesh and blood is needed to impact the people of earth in the Physical Realm.     That is why the Lord made Himself a body and we called Him Jesus whose purpose was to redeem us from our lost state.     Likewise, Satan uses flesh and blood people to do his work in the earth.     

Spiritual Wickedness is the foundation for the attacks against our faith and our work for the Kingdom Of God.     That Spiritual Wickedness comes from Satan through His deception of mankind.     Darkness is where Satan rules, using his powers of persuasion to convince men to turn away from the Lord.     When a person rejects Christ they become a Child Of Satan and unknowlingly or willingly become his instrument to steal, kill and destroy.

This verse tells us that the struggle is in our thinking, our ideas, our philosophies and that the enemy is spiritual wickedness.   

So, from the scripture standpoint, we are to see the Double Mindedness in our country as contamination.   

As a matter of fact, Jesus told this parable to explain what is going on today:
Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
The Lord is the good seed sower

The Kingdom Of Heaven is the Lord the Holy Spirit who issues from the Spirit Realm into the Physical Realm.

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
The enemy ( Satan) the tare (evil seed) sower.     

Note that the seed is what is planted in the ground.     Our heart is the ground into which Truth or deception is planted.     
    A tare is the product of deception.     
    A wheat is the product of Truth.

But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
The wheat and the tares came up together.

So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, did not you sow good seed in your field?     from where then has it tares?
The wheat are those planted by the Holy Spirit by faith in Christ Jesus.     
The tares are those planted by the Spirit Of Anti Christ by faith in humanity.     

The servants were not aware that the householder had an enemy.     Many people who believe in the Lord do not believe in Satan.     Such are ignorant of his designs and do not recognize that some people are working for him.     This ignorance enables the enemy to plant even more tares.     

What do we do with tares?     
    We are not to destroy the tares because it makes us guilty of murder undermining our own lives.     
    We are not to fertilize them enabling growth and reproduction
    We are to preach Christ to them, to reprove them, rebuke them and exhort them

He said unto them, An enemy has done this.     The servants said unto him, Will you then that we go and gather them up?
Those who are wheat wonder why the good sower does not remove the tares.

But he said, No; lest while you gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them.
Until a person dies the determination of whether they are in fact tares or wheat is not final.     

Regardless of the sin and evil that a person has done throughout their lives there is forgiveness and redemption In Christ Jesus for them if they will repent.

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather you together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
The harvest is either death or the return of Christ at which time the angels will first gather the tares and burn them and then they will reap the wheat into the Lord's barn.

We see clearly from this parable that freedom and faith in God is the model that God has defined as right and good.   

We see also that the enemy is the one who promotes bondage and unbelief.   

The solution is not to try to remove the tares - those that prefer bondage and unbelief - but to coexist while all the while preaching the Gospel to them.   

But, we will not preach the Gospel unless we are convinced that the tares are a contamination.   
Draw near to the Lord, and he will draw near to you.     Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.
It is the Lord who draws us to Him by His Holy Spirit but that is just a tug.     We must respect His wooing by turning to Him and desiring Him.     

Sinners can only cleanse their hands by repenting, turning to Christ and receiving His cleansing blood,

Christians can only purify their hearts by deciding to believe the Word Of The Lord exclusively.     Otherwise, they are Double Minded which yields confusion, fear, unbelief and weakness.

So, let us reaffirm our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ who has set us spiritually free and to our Constitution which guarantees our physical freedom.