We all knew our president is Arrogant. But we accepted it because we knew his heart was for America and American values.
I am one of President Trump's biggest fans. I wear a Trump 2020 hat most every day. I even bought more to sell or give away.
But shutting down the country and killing the American Economy was an act of Foolish Arrogance.
Now, I am sure Trump has shut down projects before and laid off workers by the thousands. So, he knew that there would be some hardships.
However, for whatever reason, he did not consider 330,000,000 Americans as the fall-out from his decision.
Doing anything which negatively affects that many people can only be considered Foolish Arrogance.
I am aware he had advisors who recommended it to him. But most twelve year old children know better than to screw up an entire country.
There is no justification for following the recommendations of people who have never worked a day in their lives. People who have government paychecks and benefits. People who it is virtually impossible to fire.
Academicians are not much better than Bureaucrats as sources for guidance. They have spent their lives thinking, not doing. They operate in a theoretical world, not the real one.
So, there is really no excuse for taking the advice of bureaucratic or academic experts when the ramifications are as dire as with the shutdown policy.
The action that was taken has unleashed unConstitutional powers and set precedences which have done damage today and damaged our future.
Since his election President Trump has been constantly attacked by Democrats and the Media. False accusations and misrepresentations are all he gets from them.
He had to fire his chief of staff a few months ago when he revealed that he was actually a Socialists.
Trump has tried to assume the best from people and so has tried to work with swamp people. He has been burned every time.
The people who proposed the false models, the people that advised him to shut down the country are from the same cesspool of Socialism as the Democrats and Media.
There was no way he was going to get truth from them or good advice. They are all vested in his demise and that of Constitutional America.
So, I say our president acted with Foolish Arrogance. The Foolishness is two-part:
1) believing the enemy (bureaucrats and academics)
2) not recognizing the damage that would be done.
The Arrogance was wielding the power he had without a cost-benefit assessment.
I am still a Trump supporter. It is just sad that the first real mistake he has made as president was such a colossal one.
My prayer is that he debriefs himself and everyone involved in this fiasco and cleans house.
We have set a bad precedent in the shutdown. We need to set a good precedent for how mistakes will be paid for by the people who made them.
Honesty and Accountability.