Your real identity    
Do You know who You are?   

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
What we truly believe is in our hearts.     It manifests in how we think, what we say and what we do.     

Who told You who You are?   

- parents?   

- teachers?   

- employers?   

Jesus said we are new creatures - Spirit beings.   

Paul said we are sons of God, royal priests.   

If you see yourself any other way than what the scriptures say about you I guarantee that You are weak and fearful.   

It`s time everyone , Christians and unbelievers, receive the truth about themselves in Christ Jesus.   

It`s time `Victory In Jesus` became more than a song.   It should be the manifestation of His Abundant Life!   
Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
By growing in Grace and knowledge of Christ we understand the perfect love of the Lord made available to us by the finished work of Christ.     

In that perfect love we know in whom we have believed and are embued with boldness and power to manifest Christ in this world.

  • You were created
    So the Lord created man in his own image, in the image of the Lord created he him; male and female created he them.
    The Lord created man as a spirit being just like Himself with a soul and a body.     

    Jesus is the soul and body of the Creator - the Holy Spirit.     

    Before the birth of Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, Our Lord appeared as The Angel Of The Lord.     

    Forevermore, Jesus is the express image of the Creator, i.e.     Jesus is how the Creator presents Himself physically.     

    Understanding this explains how Jesus has all power in heaven and earth.     It makes clear why faith in Him is what enables salvation.

  • Your body is temporal
    And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.     The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
    The flesh is temporal and has no place in eternity.

  • Your Spirit is eternal !insert
  • You are not
    • your race
    • your heritage
    • your intellect
    • your looks
    • your talent
    • your credentials
    • your job
  • You are

    In Christ You are a Spirit being with a soul and a body.   

    My Life in Christ by Barry Bennett:

    Thank God for the Bible that reveals my true identity in Christ!   It quickens Me, gives birth to faith and vision, encourages Me, gives me peace and establishes me in righteousness.   All of His promises are yes and amen, alive and active, and simply waiting to be believed.   

    The Lord is my strength.   ()

    The Lord is the strength of my life.   Of whom shall I be afraid?   

    The Lord is my Song.   

    The Lord is my salvation.   

    Christ Himself is my peace.   

    God is my exceeding joy!   

    God is the Lord who heals Me.   

    The Lord is my rock.   

    The Lord is my light.   

    Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.   

    Jesus Christ is my savior!   

    The Lord is my righteousness.   

    The Lord is my provider!   

    The Lord is my fortress and my stronghold.   

    The Lord is my deliverer!   

    The Lord is my shield.   

    The Lord is my helper.   

    The Lord will never leave me nor forsake Me.   

    The Lord is my banner of victory!   

    These declarations reveal the heart of the Father for His children.   Meditate on them, believe them, receive them, speak them and step into abundant life!   

    Are You Important to God?   by Barry Bennett

    How important are You to God?   Hours could be spent speaking of His infinite love for mankind and for each one of us individually.   But, how important are You to God’s desires and purposes for the earth?   Many of us have failed to grasp the role we are called to play in extending the kingdom and reaching the nations.   â€œWe then, as workers together with Him also plead with You Not to receive the Grace of God in vain.”

    Do You see yourself working together with God?   That is a pretty profound idea.   If You were working together with the head of a company, or a head of state, You would take that pretty seriously.   

    “Who has saved Us, and called us with an holy calling...   according to his own purpose and Grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.”

    God has a purpose in the earth and that purpose involves You!   The religious mindset leaves us feeling unworthy and unequipped for anything more than survival until Jesus comes.   God’s true intention is that You work with Him in manifesting His love and power in the earth.   He needs you!   

    Until we see ourselves as God sees Us, we will continue to miss out on the incredible opportunity we have to work with God.   Did You realize that He has limited Himself to working with and through men to accomplish His purposes?   He has given this earth to man and is limited to our cooperation with Him.   

    We cooperate through believing prayer, faith filled words, being led by the Spirit and loving the lost.   But when our lives become wrapped up in ourselves we once again have received His Grace in vain.   He has saved us and called us according to His purpose and Grace.   Don’t let the memories of who You used to be rob You of your heavenly calling and purpose.   

    20190211 My Confession I am saved by Grace through faith in Christ Jesus.   
    I am bought with a price and am not my own.   
    I am the tabernacle of God.   
    It is Christ in me, the hope of glory.   

    The Church is the body of all who believe the above.   

    It is that church which will knock down the gates of hell.   

    Who is the Real You?   by Barry Bennett “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

    Our thoughts about ourselves are often diametrically opposed to the truth of who we really are in Christ.   Many times we evaluate ourselves based on our looks, our educational level, our finances, who are spouse is or if we are married or single, our job or career and many other things.   

    All such external matters have nothing to do with our true identity.   Such evaluations will almost always deceive us.   

    Only when you agree with God’s declarations about you will you be thinking correctly.   

    I am more than a conqueror through Him who loved me.   

    I am raised and seated with Him in heavenly places.   

    I am the righteousness of God in Christ.   

    There is no condemnation because I am in Christ Jesus.   

    I am free from the law of sin and death.   

    Jesus has been made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.   

    I am always led in triumph in Christ Jesus.   

    I am a new creation in Christ.   

    I am blessed with every blessing in Christ.   

    I am created in Him for good works.   

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.   

    By His stripes I was healed.   

    I am complete in Him.   

    This is the real you, but you must “see” it and believe it.   The more you see it, the more you will have it.   

        2 - New You
        3 - Who Jesus Loves
        4 - Who You Are In The Spirit