18,000 Americans have died from corona to date.
80,000 Americans died from influenza in 2018.
The survival rate of corona is 96%.
Everyone has their opinion but only numbers give an indication of the truth.
The numbers above speak "overreaction" quite loudly.
Here are some other numbers and facts:
- 16,000,000 jobs have been lost,
- 30% of IRA/401K wealth has been lost,
- untold psychological damage and suicides,
- suspension of Constitutional rights,
- creation of a spirit of fear
. .. have all been inflicted on 300,000,000 innocent Americans.
In my opinion, our reaction to the corona virus and especially our strategy wrt the Economy is the most foolish thing our country has ever done.
Reality check. ..
The beautiful, wonderful, organic way our social/economic system has met the uncountable needs of the millions of Americans since our founding was discounted and discarded in this 'crisis'.
The decision to do this was and is a fiasco of major proportions.
The fallout is not being reported with any sense of criticality while COVID-19 deaths are being exaggerated and sensationalized.
I trust there will eventually be an honest debriefing on the fallaciousness of the projections, recommendations and actions with a final conclusion that " Government screwed up " and " We will never do this again ".