    [ Created: 2020-04-10 00:47:08  Updated: 2020-04-26 08:58:34   Owner: rl ]
Title: Black or White vs Shades of Gray    

Can any issue be simply black and white? Is every issue somewhere on the spectrum of gray?

Many people believe that seeing things as black and white rather than some shade of gray is narrowmindedness or naivete.

Are they correct or are they completely wrong?

From a human perspective there is probably a lot of support for the grayscale position. This is because human's cannot eliminate their personal biases from their reasoning.

So, they compromise with other humans who have their own biases and equally flawed reasoning.

Well doesn't that prove the point that the grayscale argument is valid?

Not if you consider God. He is "white" with no blackness (shadow) in Him. He is perfect, pure light. He is Good.

And not if you consider Satan. He is 'black' (darkness) with no light in Him. He is pure Evil.

Christ came to destroy the works of the Devil - 1Jn 3:8

The works of the Devil come from Darkness. Darkness is the absence of Light. Shadows are the result of something blocking the Light.

Let's look at the color gray. It is achieved by combing white with black. The more white the lighter the gray. The more black the darker the gray.

In some sense you can consider gray as a compromise between white and black.

In the same sense, when issues are not dealt with in pure Light but with some compromise of Darkness you had a "shade of gray" outcome.

God does not change. He does not compromise. He is pure Light.

So, if we are in a position to compromise our Light with a little Darkness we are, in a very real sense, moving away from God.

If a person is a Christian they should understand that they are in Christ and so do not have the authority to introduce Darkness in their lives because it would introduce Darkness into Christ who is in God.

It is the "knowing the Truth" that sets us Free. If we tamper with the Truth by compromising with untruth or lies, we come into Bondage.

So, operating in "shades of gray" rather than "white and black" has the unfortunate side effect of bringing us into Bondage.

How dark a shade of gray is acceptable? How do you know when you have gone too far? Can you return from gray to White? Will you want to?

We see how our Society has drifted from valuing Truth and abhoring lying, to where Liars are everywhere. They Lie with impunity. They achieve high offices in spite of, if not because of, their Lying.

We have come to the point we don't know who is telling the Truth. We don't know who to Trust.

This is a result of accepting, if not preferring, shades of gray rather than white and black.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. - Rev 12:9

The argument is made that "nothing is black and white" with confidence. But that argument is false. God is White (Light) and anything or anyone in conflict with Him is black (Darkness).

The person who makes that argument reveals that they have been Deceived.

In the day of judgment every person's eyes will be opened. They will understand that there is and always has been white (Light) and black (Darkness) and that the shades of gray that they accepted were simply black (Darkness) in disguise.

Repent of your tendency to accept shades of gray over the absolutes that have eternally been defined by Creator God.

You can be set Free by knowing and accepting the Truth.
Jesus is the Truth .