[ Created: 2020-03-20 16:34:33  Updated: 2020-03-20 16:34:33 Owner: rl ]
Title: Just another attack of the enemy    



Much has been made about China`s involvement in possibly engineering the virus and its attempt to hide it from the rest of the world.   

How the virus came to be and where it originated is not the most important information about it.   

The most important thing to know about the virus is that it is an attack of the enemy.   It is not from God.   

The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.    - This knowledge tells us how to deal with it.   We should use the authority of God`s Word and the power of His Spirit to dispatch it.        For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.    - Jesus accomplished His goal.   The works of the devil have been destroyed.   This is the appropriation of Grace.   

So, how do we effect the appropriation of Grace - that the works of the devil be destroyed?   

We speak and stand on the Word of God in Faith that the Holy Spirit will manifest what the Son has provided.   

...Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.    -

Neither give place to the devil.    -

So, "In the name of Jesus I command this work of the enemy, corona virus, to dry up and blow away.   I speak Health and wholeness upon all who name the name of Christ Jesus.   May Christians everywhere speak to those who fear the works of the enemy of your Grace to Save, to Heal and to Protect all who call upon the name of Jesus."