An Altar is not mentioned in the New Testament except in reference to Mosaic Law and in Heaven (Revelation).
The tradition of having an Altar in a Christian church is rather bizzarre. In Hebrews, the point is emphatically made that there is no more need for sacrifice. And sacrifice was the purpose of the Hebrew Altar.
When a person comes to Christ for Salvation, Christ is not looking for a sacrifice. He is looking for a believer to receive His sacrifice. That is why the Gospel is really, really good news .
Freely we receive. Freely we give. Mat 10:8
The message of the hour, the one the Holy Spirit is empowering, is the message of the mystery of the Kingdom.
That message is revealed in Col 1:27
"To whom God would make known what is the Riches of the Glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory:"
Christ means "annointing". Jesus is the "annointed one". He prayed the Father and the Holy Spirit (annointing) was poured upon us.
Jesus was not preoccupied with personal sin. He lived above it by the annointing.
Those who are not annointed (filled with the Holy Spirit) are weak in vision and action, falling subject to sin while failing to experience the Glory that is our Hope.
Eternal Life is the gift of God. It is totally Free but it is not cheap. A person may gain Eternal Life and never experience Abundant Life.
In order to experience Abundant Life a believer must grow in Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Without that growth (discipleship) they are weak regardless of how pious they are.
God wants us to "be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might." - Eph 6:10
When a person is filled with the Holy Spirit and is discipled properly Glory will manifest through them by the Spirit and the Word.
That Glory will always include the manifestation of the new spirit being but the details of that manifestation depend on the Circumstances of the believer.
The glory for the 3rd world convert is different than the glory of the 1st world convert. God works within the constraints of Faith and human resources.
But the main limiting factor in our lives is our Vision.
If we see the Gospel revealing God as our Heavenly Father who bankrupted Heaven to redeem us, to bring us into fellowship with Him, to fill us with His Spirit we have one Vision.
If we see the Gospel as God having thrown down another gauntlet for us to measure up to in order to earn His favor we have a different vision.
Remember, Jesus said "according to your Faith be it unto you" and He also said "when the Son comes shall He find Faith on the earth?".
Paul said "But this I Say, He which sows sparingly shall Reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall Reap also bountifully." - 2Co 9:6
As to Altar calls, extreme sorrow for sin is completely unnecessary for Salvation. Preference for and acceptance of a new life in Christ is all that is necessary (Repentance) and is demonstrated by believing on Him as Savior and Lord and confessing that God has raised Him from the dead.
In order for our ministry to be effective it must be powered by the Holy Spirit. In order for a Christians life to be effective they must be powered by the Holy Spirit.
So, receive Christ however and whereever convenient. That is step one. But above all things "be Filled with the Spirit;" - Eph 5:18 - so that you may experience Abundant Life.