    [ Created: 2020-02-29 18:12:37  Updated: 2020-02-29 18:50:01   Owner: rl ]
Title: Will America ever be a Communist nation?

Our president said that America will never be Communist. This is a tautology.

What is a tautology? It is saying the same thing twice.

America as defined by the DeclarationOfIndependence , the Constitution and the BillOfRights cannot be a Communist country. That is not to say that we cannot vote a Communist government into place. We can. However, once that is done, America will cease to exist. The name may still be used but the nation that it referred to will be no more.

A new nation will exist which will gradually settle into 3rd world status. The glory of the original nation will be gone. The hope and aspirations of its citizenry will fade and a stern realism will settle upon the land.

So, we pray that the fools (and yes they are Biblically-defined fools) who espouse Socialism (which leads to Communism) or Communism itself will not succeed gradually or precipitously in their delusional pursuit of their own destruction along with the innocent.

God honors this prayer and will provide His Spirit and Wisdom to those who desire it to turn the efforts of these fools back through the political process, the social process and, most importantly, through His command to preach the Gospel process.

His direct, unilateral intervention in the affairs of man will not occur until the return of Christ. In the meantime, we are stewards of His Kingdom (He has all Power in Heaven and Earth) of which America is part.

Let's take America in the name of Jesus. When we do, Communism will not be an issue.