[ Created: 2020-02-11 17:55:12  Updated: 2022-10-31 07:20:11 Owner: rl ]
Title: A person who espouses Conservatism     


A true conservative representative would be in the business of repentance -
reducing taxes,
shrinking government,
eliminating regulations and the agencies that overlord them,
putting God back into education,
striking down all unconstitutional laws,
prosecuting criminals in high places,
eliminating monopolies (FB, Amazon, Google, etc).,
eliminating welfare,
eliminating subsidies,
balancing the budget,
eliminating the national debt,
closing the borders to illegal immigration
forcing American companies to manufacture in America in order to sell in America

Please identify those in Congress who are for this kind of conservatism.   

Still waiting...   
Just as I thought, there are none.