We are seeing an increase in the level of Animal Addiction in America.
Addicts are unable to go shopping, go to a restaurant or travel without their Animal
This is the characteristic of most addiction.
As is the case with any Addict the Addict will Deny their addiction. Unlike other addictions, Animal Addicts justify their addiction by referring to their captor as cute or darling and reference "love".
Sorry, but your Animal Worship is simply an addiction.
Animals are animals. They are no more worthy of love than a tree, a vegetable or a flower.
It is fine to appreciate their qualities and to make use of them. But it is wrong to worship them regardless of their "cuteness".
As with any addiction there are negative consequences:
→ food expense
→ medical expense
→ uncleanness
→ Personal Health
→ community Health
→ anti-social attitudes
→ Psychological Dependency
→ Emotional Dependency
Actually, I don't personally have any problem with addicts of any sort.
I am sad for them and would like to help them break their addiction.
However, when an addict's addction encroaches on my rights, my space or my health I push back.
Alcoholics and drug addicts are extremely sad, but when they cause accidents or commit crimes as a result of their addiction, they must be restricted and held accountable.
Public intoxication is not tolerated because it results in crude language, behavior and actions.
Smoking is now restricted from most public places because others are affected by secondary smoke.
Drug ddictions result in impaired mental processing which affects the behavior of the ddict with negative consequences.
Animal Addiction also has negative consequences on others.
Animal Addicts are often drawn into conflicts with other Animal Addicts when their "pets" clash.
I have heard Animal Addicts proudly state that their animal is more important than people. This means that if their dog humps your leg you cannot kick him for fear of being assaulted the Animal Addict.
Public health is threatened by animals. This is not the fault of the animals. They have no responsibility because they are animals.
However, the animal's owner is responsible.
There is currently a TV commercial where the "pet" is actually a human acting like the pet while its owner is driving the car. The "pet" licks the face of the driver while she is driving. The driver then tells the "pet" to stop because she saw it "eating poop" earlier that morning.
Now, the sponsor of the commercial obviously thinks this is cute. However, as an Animal-free person all I see is an animal distracting a driver who may be about to cross the center line into the oncoming traffic or run into someone's rear-end.
Furthermore, I see a person who likely has people in her life who shake her hand or give her a "peck" on the cheek when greeting her.
So, you have the potential automobile accident on one hand, and on the other hand, the potential for bacteria and viruses from the feces on the ddict's face, hand, etc which may be transmitted to other innocent humans.
So, love, worship, cling-to, exchange bodily fluids as you like with your animal. It is your right to damage yourself and alienate yourself from healthy society.
But don't kid yourself about it not being an addiction and about its costs to you and society when you are irresponsible.
And remember this, just because you love your animal, doesn't mean I do nor should. You are the addict.