    [ Created: 2020-01-06 12:03:55  Updated: 2020-01-06 14:40:01   Owner: rl ]
Title: United Methodist Church

<a href='javascript:SetTab(52,4790,0);' title='United Methodist Church'>UMC</a> Satan is trying to destroy the United Methodist Church.

Sin is Sin .

Rebellion is Rebellion .

Idolatry is Idolatry .

Eve's Sin was wanting to Know Good and Evil instead of just knowing Good (God).

That Sin seperated her from God then. Unrepented Sin separates us from God now.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to clean up the confusion by washing their leadership in the Word .

(If you don't Believe what John Wesley believed you might not be a Methodist!)

When you begin to unravel something, where do you stop?

The Bible says that Homosexuality is an Abomination - a gross Sin.

Here is what Satan is doing to the UMC leadership...

Satan: Did God really say that Homosexuality is Sin?
UMC: Well, yes.

Satan: But there are good people that are Homosexual. The Bible cannot be right on this point.
UMC: I guess not.

Satan: Since people are born with tendencies like Homosexuality, then it is wrong to judge them.
UMC: That is reasonable because we are not to judge but act in love.

Satan: You are right. If God created people then He is responsible for their flaws.
UMC: I never looked at it that way.

Satan: You know, it is sad that this man Jesus thought that He needed to die for the flaws in people that God put there.
UMC: Yes, He was on the right track about love and doing good, but He must have not seen the truth - that God is responsible for man's flaws and so their is no reason for us to feel guilt or lost or need a Saviour.

Satan: Now you're getting it.
UMC: It seems that we have been too hard-line against people because we did not understand who was truly responsible for their flaws.

Satan: All people are basically good.
UMC: That's right, we just have to look for it.

Satan: Muslims, too.
UMC: I guess so.
Satan: And atheists
UMC: Yes, some atheists have done great things for humanity.

Satan: Really, all people need to do is be nice to each other and accept people regardless of their flaws.
UMC: I agree.

Satan: You know, if you just stopped using that archaic Bible it would help you get along with others.
UMC: Yes, the Bible is a little heavy-handed and divisive.
Satan: I think we are on the same page now. One last thing, though.
UMC: What is that?

Satan: Well, if the Bible is a problem and Jesus is just a mis-guided man, there really is no reason to worship God, is there?
UMC: You do have a point.

Satan: Why not just use your facilities for serving people's physical, mental and emotional needs?
UMC: But we enjoy the music and the ceremony.

Satan: Alright, I see no problem with your mysticism on Sunday morning as long as you don't let it affect your actual life.
UMC: Sounds good.

Satan: Welcome to your new religion of Secular Humanism!
UMC: Thank you, Satan. You have been a big help. I think I will be happy here.