| I used to hear the word Put On to describe a person who pretended to be something they are not.
One of the things a Put On would do is to dress a certain way, speak a certain way or go to certain places.
All of this was to present an image they wanted people believe about them.
Put On in this sense has clearly bad connotation.
However, in order for a person to become what they envision themselves to be (think in their hearts) they should do exactly what the Put On does.
They should change the way they look, talk and the places they frequent. In so doing they condition themselves to become the image of themselves that is in their heart.
The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23
Jesus came that we might have Abundant Life. John 10:10
A Gift must be received and it must be valued to have the intended effect.
Things that "might" happen may not happen. Opportunities must be seized in order to produce fruit.
So, the potential that we have in Christ must be claimed and must be exercised in order for it to manifest.
And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his hand upon him. - Mar 7:32 | Being Deaf and Dumb is not a challenge for Christ the Healer. |
And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue; - Mar 7:33 | When Jesus takes a person aside it is to remove them from an atmosphere of Doubt and Unbelief and take them into an atmosphere of Faith. The physicality of this interaction with the person in need was likely to get a sense of their Faith as the person had been brought to Him by others. |
| Jesus blesses us as we come to Him in childlike Faith. |
And above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. - Col 3:14 | |
So, we have a lot to Put On so that Christ manifests in us and through us.
Check yourself out in the mirror of God's Word. If you find yourself lacking or mismatched ask God to "put you together".
He will fit you properly for the work He has set for you to do.