    [ Created: 2019-11-14 07:58:15  Updated: 2019-11-14 07:59:20   Owner: rl ]
Title: Congress as currently implemented needs to be fired

At some point we have to take a step back and Just do an Honest assessment of things.

Congress has delegitimized itself. Period.

It is Impotent for good.
It espouses evil.
It is profligate.
It is run by self-serving politicians.
It traffics in lies.
It is pompous.
It is unAmerican.
It is a sham.
It is not of the people by the people and for the people.
It has Lost its way.
It has become overbearing.
It is tied to money.
It has usurped the Authority of the people and the states.

For these Reasons It is Time we fired Congress. I am talking about the Whole institution that it has become. It Needs to be totally reconstructed.

The rules by which it operates are designed to make it ineffective, wasteful, pretentious and self-serving. No one elected to Congress can Change anything. It has become a monster with a Life of its own running the country toward destruction.

How do we Fire Congress? I Hope not violently. But the current implementation is a tumor, sucking the Life out of the country, growing its tentacles into every aspect of Life and moving further and further toward fascism.

Whenever I make I mess, I start over. Many Times I have to throw away what I have "messed up" - it can't be salvaged. The same is True with Congress. It is messed up and all of its rules, commities, pay, benefits, exclusions, inclusions must be thrown out and rethought.

What would happen if Congress didn't hold session at all? America would run without even skipping a beat. For years they have passed "continuing resolutions" which means they are making no Changes to the status quo.

We may have to go to D.C. and Just tell the 535 leeches to go Home and leave Americans alone.

We Just might...