Doing the Word is living out the Word.
Doing The Word is not a legalistic regimentation of your life whereby you constrain yourself
→ not to do what is prohibited and
→ to do what is commanded.
Rather, it is the supernatural manifestation of the Word in you.
The Word in you is not just knowledge of the Word, but it is a heart level transformation of yourself by the Word.
How does the transformation of your heart happen?
The key to doing the Word is preparation just as it is in any other pursuit in life.
In order to prepare you must have a commitment to the goal and a love for the process of preparation.
Long distance runners love to run. They run because they get a high from it.
In the spiritual realm there is the concept of having a Love Of The Truth. The Truth is
→ Christ Jesus
→ Words of Christ Jesus
Some people have a Love Of The Truth and some don`t.
In the case of runners, some do it out of love, some do it for their health and some do it out of fear. So it is with the Word. Some hear the Word out of a Love Of The Truth, some do it for its benefits and some do it fearing the consequences of not doing it.
When we look at the parable of the sower and the seed we see a single type of seed, the Word, but different types of ground, hearts.
I have had several people come to me who wanted to learn to play the guitar. I am always happy to teach others what I know. In order to save the student (and myself) time, I tell the student that they can learn to play if they love it.
If the student really desires to achieve success with a guitar they will have to sacrifice themselves to it. They must
→ practice
→ endure pain in their fingertips
→ deal with frustration
→ stop using their time for other activities
→ spend time with other players.
So, Doing The Word will not happen unless there is
→ a Love Of The Truth
→ a serious commitment to being transformed by it
→ courage to live it.
Doing The Word is what pleases our Lord because it is what brings us into Abundant Life.