[ Created: 2019-11-03 17:30:15  Updated: 2019-11-04 01:04:37 Owner: rl ]
Title: Spritual disease that thrives in Urban areas     


Austin Texas has been in the process of being destroyed by migrants as have many other major cities in the U.S.   

Who are these migrants?   They are socialist perverts (from other large cities) who seek out desirable places to live and then turn their new home into the same kind of sty they left.   

Mark this down:
1.   Socialism is a Spiritual disease.   
2.   Homosexuality is a Spiritual disease.   
3.   Homelessness is a Spiritual disease.   
4.   Drug Abuse is a Spiritual disease.   
5.   Porn Addiction is a Spiritual disease.   
6.   Covetousness is a Spiritual disease.   
7.   Lying is a Spiritual disease.   

Each of these Spiritual diseases spread exactly the same way as physically contagious diseases - through contact with infected individuals.   

How many of you are tolerant of the flu viruses, small pox, STDs?   

Why not?   You are not deceived about their destructive nature.   

Why are we so foolish about Spiritual disease?   Answer: Deception.   We have been told to be Tolerant - that these diseases are not contagious - to "live and let live".   

If we don't wake up now and take a stand for Godliness, we will be destroyed by these diseases.   

The Good News ( Gospel ) is that where Sin abounds the Grace of God much more abounds ( ( ).   But, the Gospel must be preached for it to be effective ( ( ).   And, the first criteria for receiving the Grace of God is Repentance - changing your mind and attitudes about Sin ( ( ).   Remember, Sin is anything which is destructive to yourself, your relationship with others or your relationship with God.   For anyone who is not familiar with the specifics of Sin read .   

Let me be very clear: No person has the right to be the hands, the feet or the voice of Satan in this world.   
This world is now owned by Christ Jesus ( ( ).   He is now King of Kings and Lord of Lords ( ( ).   We are to resist the Devil (and his children) in order for him to flee ( ( ).   We are not resisting him but rather we are giving place to him ( ( ).   

Until Jesus returns in Power and rules the earth with a Rod of Iron we are His hands, feet and voice in this world.   We are His emissaries, His Stewards.   Are we unprofitable servants ( ( ) or those to whom He will say "Well done good and faithful servant..." ( ( )?