7 Revelations That Can Heal You
1. God is Light and Life . There is no Darkness in Him. Sickness is Darkness and cannot prevail against the Life and the Light of God . A Revelation of the Greater One’s Life in You can Heal You . ( Jn. 1:4-5 Jn. 10:10 )
2. The Word of God is Spirit , Life and Medicine to our Flesh . He sent His Word and Healed us. An intimate Communion with the Word can Heal You . ( Jn. 6:63 Prov. 4:20-22 Ps. 107:20 )
3. The Power of Sin was destroyed on the Cross . A Conscience Free of the Guilt of Sin can Heal You . ( Col. 2:13-15 2 Cor. 5:19-21 Mk. 2:5-11 )
4. Jesus bore our Sickness and took our infirmities on the Cross . A Revelation of Jesus the Healer can Heal You . ( Isa. 53:4 Mat. 8:16-17 Gal. 3:13 )
5. Sickness is a Work of the Enemy . A Revelation of the Enemy defeated can Heal You . ( 1 Jhn 3:8 Acts 10:38 James 4:7 )
6. God is Love , and the Love of God Will cast out the Fear that comes from Sickness . A Revelation of God’s Love can Heal You . ( 1 Jhn. 4:8 1 Jhn 4:18 )
7. God’s Will is Healing . He Healed us on the Cross and Healing exists for all. A Revelation of His Will can Heal You . Healing and Salvation are available to all. He has done it for You . ( Matt. 8:1-3 Matt 8:7 ).
Meditate on these verses and open your Heart to each Revelation . Your Life will Follow your focus.
-- Barry Bennett