Those who have never contributed to society (i.e. worked in the private sector), should have no vote.
Such vote for larger and larger subsidies from the private sector to support the public sector growing the public sector and shrinking the private.
This is a death spiral.
1. No Federal Government employee should be able to vote in Federal election nor have representation in the Congress. Why? They have a vested interest in growing the Government. And Big Government is always Bad Government.
2. No State employee should be able to vote in State or Federal elections as they have a vested interest in growing both the State and Federal Governments.
You say this is a denial of their Constitutional rights. No. They make the choice to work in Government. They are not forced to. As soon as they step out of Government they can vote again.
The beauty of this arrangement is that there is a disincentive to stay in Government which was the plan by the Founding Fathers. Serve and then go home.
Socialism is a natural outgrowth of Big Government. All Federal and State employees will vote for big Government every time eventually electing a Socialist Government.
3. No person who has never held a job (and paid taxes) should be able to vote. Why? Because they will vote themselves money/benefits out of the treasury (taxes).
When a person who has never held a tax-paying job becomes part of the support system, they can begin to Vote.
Were all these changes made to our voting rights the size of Government would shrink as Conservatives would win the elections.