Singing as part of Worship has been going on for as long as man has been worshipping God.
Because Hymns use Words they communicate Ideas and Images. They are powerful.
In Country Music real life situations are sung about because others can identify with those life situations. This has a cathartic effect on the hearers.
Likewise some Hymns speak of individuals' life experiences and the conclusions that the writer has about life from those experiences .
Just as with Preaching and Teaching it is important that the Spirit of the Word be communicated. Just because the Scripture gives an account of something does not mean that it is part of the Gospel ( Good News )!
What should happen in Church is that the Gospel goes forth in Prayer , in Singing , in Praise , in Testifying , in Teaching and in Preaching.
Life experiences should not be highlighted or glorified in and of themselves. They should only be addressed in the context of bringing Praise and Glory to God for Deliverance and Blessing.
Let all things be done unto edifying. - 1Co 14:26b
Edification is building up - not just in a comforting way but in a powerful Healing way.
So, those Hymns which Praise God and lift up the hearer so that they may Receive the Promises of God are Good. Those which, like Country Music, just give the comfort of common suffering should be avoided.