Releasing Healing    
Releasing healing by Barry Bennett Do you know what it means to have Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit living within you?   We have been transformed by the Spirit of God and we are one Spirit with Him .   

If Jesus lives within us by the Spirit, then all that He is, is within us.   His life (zoe) is in us and that would include healing.   

Paul said that he no longer lived, but Christ lived in Him and he now lived by the faith of the Son of God .    Paul was declaring that Jesus lived within, and the faith of Jesus was the faith that Paul was using to live.   Jesus is the Author and finisher of our faith.   

Therefore, the faith of God inside us is a healing faith.   It is a part of our reborn spiritual nature.   

Most Christians see healing as coming from outside of them, probably from above.   They see themselves as sick trying to get well.   They pray and ask and hope that something outside of them will touch them.   

Of course when Jesus walked the earth and healed all who came to Him, He was indeed `outside` of the sick and healed them from the outside.   But now He lives within us, and thus His healing power is within us.   

When we deal with sickness in our own bodies, we must see ourselves as the healed resisting sickness, rather than the sick trying to get healed.   Sickness is an illegal intruder that must be expelled from our bodies.   We speak to our bodies, by the Spirit.   The physical must submit to the spiritual.   The visible must submit to the invisible.   

All of the healing we need is available through our reborn spirits which are one with God.   Healing comes from within.   We release it with our words, our attitudes, our thoughts and actions.   We act on the Word, speak the Word, think the Word and `see` the healing.   

It isn`t so much that we ask God to release healing.   Healing has been released since Jesus walked on the earth and since He arose from the dead.   It’s more a matter of us releasing the healing that God has already released.   
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
The power that works in us is the Holy Spirit, who is the Gift Of Christ.     

Our Lord is only able to do these wonderful things by His Holy Spirit in us, while the Holy Spirit in us is effective only to the extent that we submit to Him.     

Consider also the following verses:

That verse deserves some meditation!   

When we have a clear understanding and revelation of faith, and an understanding that the healer lives within (the power that works in us), we are on the way to seeing the manifestation of healing.   If You can `see it` with the eyes of faith, You can receive it.