[ Created: 2023-02-03 09:47:13  Updated: 2023-02-26 08:40:15 Owner: rl ]
Title: Who is this person whom we refer to as God?    



God is the generic term for deity.   
    to the Jew it is YHVH
    to the Muslim it is Allah
    to the native American Indians it is the Great White Spirit
    to the Buddhist it is the divine nature in humans
    to the Hindu it is Vishnu, etc.   
    to the Christian it is Christ Jesus

My point is that the term, God, means different things to different people.   

The name of Jesus is unambiguous.   It is the name of an historical person whose life is documented in the New Testament and secular writings.   

Jesus claimed to be the Truth.   
What did He mean by His being the Truth?   
He is the Truth about 'God'.   

Fundamentally, Jesus, who is the express image of 'God' came to clear up the confusion about 'God'.   Even the Jews who received the best revelation of 'God' from the prophets, were off base.   Obviously, those peoples who did not pursue the true and living 'God' were in total darkness, creating their own pagan gods and writing myths about their gods' escapades.   

Our Creator has a purpose in mind.   And though humans of every generation have pursued life as they understood it, in every case they missed the mark that our Creator intended.   

Jesus is the express image of our Creator .    He is human and He is divine .    He is the one and only 'God' by whose Holy Spirit were created all things and who by His own shed blood has reconciled humanity to Himself .   

Those who would pursue 'God' outside of Christ Jesus cannot help but miss the mark .    You cannot look for something and then reject it when you find it and still obtain it .   

Such is the plight of all humans.   All who are not In Christ Jesus by faith in Him and receiving His Holy Spirit are apart from 'God' .    Only those who receive Christ Jesus as 'mighty God' and Saviour can be joined to 'God' .   

All whose physical lives end apart from 'God' will face destruction in the Lake Of Fire as they never received the life of 'God', the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus.   

The role of every believer in Christ Jesus is to spread the Gospel so that all people hear the Truth about 'God' and have an opportunity to receive Him and find life.   

Not all humans are children of 'God'.   Only those who are born of the Truth and the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus become children of 'God', specifically, Children Of The Lord.   

As we approach the End Of The Age there will be greater and greater pressure to deny Jesus as 'God' and to deny the authority of His Word.   We must dig in to our relationship with Him by meditating on His Word and Praying In The Spirit because our faith will ultimately be challenged by government.   

The reason that there will be a pushback against the name of Jesus is that He is 'God'.   The devil does not care that you worship something as long as it is not the Truth.   

While the pressure is applied to deny the Lordship of Christ Jesus, there will be a special unction from His Holy Spirit to do exploits in His name for those who are willing to come against the enemy.   

Jesus Is Lord