    [ Created: 2019-08-24 23:53:55  Updated: 2019-08-25 00:16:33   Owner: rl ]
Title: The biggest theft by our enemy, Satan

There is a lot in the news and advertisements about IdentityTheft . However, they are concerned with social security, bank, and credit card numbers by people who would try to impersonate you to access your wealth.

As serious as that IdentityTheft is it does not compare to that which Satan has done to the Church .
He has deceived Believers by convincing them they are not whom God has said they are!

Since we Receive the things of God by Faith in His Grace ( Jesus ), convincing a Believer that God's Word does not mean what it says Steals their Inheritance .

Christ Jesus made it possible for us to be BornAgain of the HolySpirit and thereby become Sons of God and coheirs with Christ of all things. Rom 8:17

But we must Have Faith in God in order to Manifest as God's Sons . Mar 11:22

You must Know the Scriptures to Know who Jesus is and who You are. Joh 5:39

Check out your Identity - who You really are in Christ Jesus .