| Pres. Trump has his faults as does everyone else.
What he is not guilty of which you and your liberal university compadres have been doing on the Federal tax dollar is destroying the minds of young people by turning them against their Creator God , against Family , against the U. S. Constitution , against America and towards the religion of atheistic SecularHumanism with its political arm called Socialism .
Wake up! You will stand before God one day. Just because your city is totally deceived does not give anyone in it a pass.
I [ Jesus ] tell you, No! but, except you Repent , you shall all likewise Perish . - Luk 13:3
If you and your compadres do not Repent , you will Perish .
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son [ Jesus ], that whoever believes in him should not Perish , but have everlasting Life . - Joh 3:16
And whoever was not found written in the book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. - Rev 20:15
-- Your friend, Randy. |