    [ Created: 2019-08-06 18:44:24  Updated: 2019-08-06 18:54:53   Owner: rl ]
Title: Messages to Politicians

20190807 - Message to the President, governors, legislators, congressmen and jurists: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. - Psm 9:17 You cannot legislate good morality. You can however legislate immorality. How so? - you give place to the devil.

Instead of reacting to the events at hand you need to let current laws run their course to deal with that and focus on "what did we do wrong" and "how do we correct past mistakes".

The verse above indicates the destination of any individual or nation which subscribes to wickedness (hedonism and godlessness) and forgets God.

The interesting thing about the above verse is that those who commit wickedness are "turned" into hell. This implies that individuals and nations are in motion, going somewhere. Wickedness and forgetting God is what turns them toward hell.

Look at the previous verse:

The LORD is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. - Psm 9:16 So, the wicked send themselves to hell by their choices and actions. The nations that forget God send themselves to hell by their choices and actions.

Hell is where many people in our country are headed because of their choice of wickedness (mass murders, etc.) Hell is where our nation is headed because we have forgotten God.

What is the political point of these scriptures?

Foolish justices, legislators and administrators have forgotten God and turned America toward hell.

Admit the mistake before it is too late! You can still do something to rectify the errors of your predecessors.

I tell you, No!: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. - Luk 13:5 Repentance is changing your mind and direction.

So, we see that both the Old Testament and the New Testament confirm the fact that except we turn toward God and away from wickedness, we will perish - be turned into hell.

What can you do?

Get out of the education business - you screwed it up.

Get out of the "charity" business - you screwed it up.

Get out of career politics - you screwed it up.

Get out of the "hate speech" business - you are unqualified to lead morally.

Get out of socialism - it is destroying us.

Get out of the tax and spend business - you are bankrupting us.

Get out of our lives - you are screwing us up.

"Who would take care of the people if we don't?" - you say..

The same being who created all things for His pleasure which is "to give us the keys of His kingdom".

That being uses those who choose Him as Father God through Christ Jesus to administer His gift of Grace to whosoever will receive it. There is more than enough in God's coffers to meet all of our needs.

It is He who has made us and not we ourselves. - Psalm 100:3 May the God who created each one of you with a special purpose in mind, find your real purpose in life and return us to government of, by and for the people to whom God gave this great land.