"White Supremacy" is leftist code for "Western Civilization".
Through stereotyping people associate certain physical, mental, ideological and spiritual characteristics with race.
There is both truth and error associated with sterotyping. I would submit that most "white supremacists" are actually "white culturalists" or "western civilizationists". They oppose other races for their culture but see race as a surrogate for their culture.
In Christianity, there is no distinction between races, gender or economic status. However, if a person is not a Christian we should recognize the fact that there may be significant differences. In fact, the culture of a Christian may conflict with non-Christian cultures. Why is this? Because of their worldview and code of morality.
So, we need to see the differences in our country emanating from cultural differences - not racial differences. Again, race is a surrogate for culture.
When Trump said he was going to "make America great again", those who hate historical American culture saw his statement as one which meant "white supremacy" / "white culturalism" / "western civilizationism" . This is why they call him a racist and a bigot and a misogynist.
Hillary called us deplorables because she hates "white culture" which is based on Christianity.
Please see the assault on Trump, on "hate speech" and on "white supremacy" as really just an assault against Christianity-based Western Civilization.
Not to do so is to be pulled gradually into the web of atheistic socialism in which Christians will once again be martyred because of their "hate speech".
The following will soon be considered "hate speech":
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. - Act 4:12
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; - Phi 2:10
"And whoever was not found written in the [Jesus's] book of life was cast into the lake of fire. - Rev 20:15