One of the failures of different translations or versions of the Bible is that the translator will interpret the meaning of a passage rather than accept the implications of the literal words.
In essence, they read into the text they are translating in such a way as to present their understanding of the text and not what the original text literally says.
This kind of translation error may be innocent or intentional.
Be wary of people who reject the KJV of the Bible on the basis of translation errors in favor of more modern versions. They are likely having more difficulty with the black and white truth of the KJV and so favoring a softened (weakened) version of the text - something that makes them more comfortable.
Also, be wary of people who paraphrase scripture and never quote the actual text. Leaving out words, adding words and changing words will likely change the meaning of the scripture.
Whether errors are introduced innocently or intentionally by translation or paraphrase the effects are the same nonetheless.
You can trust the KJV of the Bible to be more accurate and true to the original text because it was translated.