Doubt is a glance in the wrong direction    
It is a fact that whatever object our eyes are drawn to will cause us to lean and drift in the direction of that object.   
And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely die:
Contradicting the Lord is Satan's disposition.     

He understands the power of the Word Of The Lord and does everything possible to prevent us from believing His warnings and appropriating His promises.     

The overarching lesson from the incident of the Forbidden Fruit is that we never entertain anything that contradicts the Word Of The Lord.     

When we consider our Lord's interaction with Satan at the end of His 40 day fast, we see Jesus avoiding discussion entirely.     Rather, He confronts Satan with the Word Of The Lord.     

Interestingly, these are His own Words spoken by prophets under the inspiration of His Holy Spirit.     

Consideration of Satan's arguments is evidence of doubt.

So we see that a smidgeon of doubt that the Lord loved them, that the Lord was being truthful with them resulted in
    loss of relationship

Satan, or at least his children, will tell you that you are being close-minded for refusing to consider that the Word Of The Lord may not be true.   

He knows that a little leaven leavens the whole lump .   

The singularity of our Lord`s mind is the secret to every victory He achieved including His ultimate victory over sin and death.   

Victory demands total commitment.   
Total commitment precludes doubt.