[ Created: 2023-02-03 07:26:32  Updated: 2023-12-10 08:45:36 Owner: rl ]
Title: Jesus is the express image of the divine, eternal, Creator    



The term, Jesus Is Lord, means different things to Trinitarians than those who believe in one divine person.   

Yes, it is a matter of degrees, but when we are talking about degrees with respect to our Creator, those degrees make a big difference.   

Is there a pecking order in the Trinity?   Is there total agreement?   If the answer to the first question is no and the answer to the second question is yes then we are talking about only one person.   

The notion of person implies uniqueness.   Uniqueness by definition means there is a difference.   So, by thinking of `God` as three persons we cannot help but entertain the thought that there are differences.   

As we know, differences make a difference.   

Jesus made the following statements:
And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Who gave Jesus this power and authority?     
His Holy Spirit Father who had birthed Him, annointed Him and raised Him from the dead is the source of all things and Jesus is His express image.     

    Jesus is the eternal Word in flesh and
    the Word is inseparable from the Holy Spirit .     

If all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus there is no power or authority left for any other being in the universe.     
This means that He and He alone is
    Mighty God
    Everlasting Father
    King .     

This verse speaks to the singleness of God as manifested in Christ Jesus.     In the next verse Jesus tells us to teach and baptize people in His name as He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I and my Father are one.
Yes!     The whole Truth comes out.     

Jesus is the Lord (deity).     

God (deity) is Jesus.     

God (deity) is Spirit, hence He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit made Himself a physical body and we call Him Jesus .     
It is through the body and soul of Jesus that His Holy Spirit expresses Himself in the Physical Realm.     

There are not three.     There is One and His name is Jesus the express image of His Holy Spirit .     
    Do you know the name of the Father?     
    Do you know the name of the Holy Spirit?     
    Do you know the name of the Son?     

There is One name of the One Creator and His name is Jesus.     
    It is in that name that we are saved.     
    It is in that name that we are healed.     
    It is in that name that all who reject Him will be judged.     

Just as you are Spirit Soul And Body, so is our Lord Jesus Christ in whose image we were created and by whose sacrifice we are redeemed.     

Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip?     he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?
Jesus states categorically who He is - the express image of the Father.     

You can hear the hurt and amazement in Jesus` voice as He responds.     

Jesus tells Philip that He is the Father.     He then rebukes Philip for even doubting that He is the Father.

And Paul by the Holy Spirit made these statements about Jesus:
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Holy Spirit Father.
All humanity will speak in confession that Jesus is Lord and thus glorify the Father whose plan He fulfilled.     

Who is the Father?     Holy Spirit.     

It was the Holy Spirit that impregnated Mary.     It was the Holy Spirit that was in Jesus empowering Him to speak and do His will.     

Jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the Father.     
    Jesus is the body of the Holy Spirit.     
    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     

The glory of the Holy Spirit Father is His elation in bringing about the salvation of so many to be forever in His presence in full fellowship.

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise Lord, be honour and glory for ever and ever.     Amen.
Breaking this verse down
    King - Jesus is king of kings so we are talking about Jesus
    Eternal - Jesus is the incarnation of the Word who has always existed
    Immortal - Jesus was mortal and died but His body was translated into immortal
    Invisible - Jesus is in heaven and cannot be seen until His return
    the only wise God - Jesus is the Lord (not one of three) and He is the only Lord
    honor and glory - Jesus is worthy of all praise and glory and honor
    for ever and ever - There never has been and never will be another God.     

When we truly honour and praise Christ Jesus as He deserves His Holy Spirit manifests in and through us as Sons.

Then we hear Jude, the half-brother of Jesus, speak this Word regarding Jesus:
To the only wise Lord our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.     Amen.
It is always a good thing to praise the Lord,

Lastly, we hear Christ Jesus Himself identify Himself as the Eternal One:
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
This is the key statement in the entire book of revelation.     It once and for all declares Jesus as Mighty God.     

This is the revelation of Jesus Christ.     

God created man in His image.     Man is Spirit Soul And Body .      So the Lord is Spirit Soul And Body.     

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.     Jesus is the body of the Holy Spirit.     

Jesus is the Express Image of His Holy Spirit, just as your body is the express image of your spirit and soul.     

Jesus is Almighty Creator!     

No one comes to the Father, the Holy Spirit, except through Christ Jesus because Jesus and His Holy Spirit are One.     

A person cannot reject the Lord and receive Him at the same time.     

Jesus is Almighty Creator and Saviour and King!

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Jesus tells us again that He is Lord.

These statements by the Lord Jesus and those who received spiritual revelation of His identity empowered the early church.   The incontrovertible evidence of Jesus Lordship was the fact that He raised Himself from the dead.   
Therefore does my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
Who loves Jesus?     The Father.     
Who is the Father?     The Holy Spirit.     

Jesus laid His life down and then He took it up again.     
How did He take it up?     By His Spirit - the Holy Spirit.     

Our soul must be in agreement with our spirit in order for us to be at peace with ourselves, to have self-repect, to feel good about ourselves.     
Jesus is saying that His Holy Spirit is pleased with what He has humbled His Mind and Body to perform.

No man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself.     I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.     This commandment have I received of my Father.
Jesus had the authority and power to lay His life down.     
He had the authority and power to take it up again.     

Who is His Father who gave Him such commandment?     His Holy Spirit.     

So Jesus came by that authority and power by His own Spirit - the Holy Spirit.     
No other person was involved.     

Remember, Jesus was not born with the Sin Nature.     He did not have a dead spirit as all descendants of Adam have.     He was born of the Holy Spirit so His Spirit is the Holy Spirit.     

Who is this Father that Jesus is referring to?   Does that mean there is another person in the deity?   
Simply refer back to for the answer.   The Father is the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit Of Christ.   

I am Spirit Soul And Body and I was created in the image of the Lord who is also Spirit Soul And Body.   My spirit in the New Birth is part of the Spirit Of Christ though my soul and body are unique.   Jesus is the Soul and Body of the Holy Spirit.   He is the perfect, express image of His Holy Spirit.   

So, when we say Jesus Is Lord we need to understand in our minds and hearts what that means.   
    There is no other `God`.   
    There is no other power.   
    There is no other authority.   
    There is no other being to receive worship.   There is no other one to whom all mankind will bow.   

Jesus Is Lord!