    [ Created: 2019-05-19 19:45:05  Updated: 2019-05-19 22:48:34   Owner: rl ]
Title: The false gods of the Roman Empire

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the Commandments is, Hear , O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord
- Mar 12:29

Name Roman Bible Today
Saturn the god of balance between peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity Temperance Peace Unity Prosperity Government Self
Jupiter the god of the sky and thunder and king of the gods Jesus Nature
Juno the protector and special counselor of the state Isaiah 9:6 Psm 17:8 Education
Neptune the god of freshwater and the sea Life Water Fountain River Nature
Minerva the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare and the sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy Almighty Deliverer Beauty Wisdom Education Socialism
Mars the god of war and also an agricultural guardian Conqueror King Creator Government
Venus the god of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory Gen 1:28 Marriage Children Self
Apollo the god of light, music, prophecy, poetry, medicine and even archery Light Music Healing Dan 9:22 Education
Diana the god of hunt, wildlands, nature, and the moon Creation Nature
Vulcan the god of fire, volcanoes, metallurgy, and forges Fire Heb 12:29 Energy
Vesta the god of hearth, home, and domestic scope Love JehovahJireh Marriage Government
Mercury the god of commerce and financial gains Prosperity Increase Wealth Government
Ceres the god of agriculture, crops, fertility and mother relationships Seed Harvest Gen 1:28 HolySpirit Government Self
Bacchus the god of viticulture and wine, fertility, and freedom Free Bondage HolySpirit Self
Mithras the god of mysticism Mystery Kingdom Faith Spiritualism