We are saved by confessing Jesus, not confessing our sins.
The implication of our part being to believe on Jesus Christ and confess Him as risen Lord, is that He has done everything else! It is why we call it amazing Grace! It is why the gospel is nearly too good to be true!
Who raised Jesus from the dead? He raised Himself Joh 10:17,18 by His Holy Spirit Rom 8:11.
There is no guilt attributed to mankind because Jesus took it all upon Himself.
He does not see the sin in our lives because of His blood and His promise of Eternal Life.
If you think there is anything separating you from the Lord you are doubting the Love Of The Lord and His finished work at the cross Rom 8:38,39 Eph 1:6
Start believing in the perfect Love Of The Lord and the power of His blood so that you enjoy an intimate, personal relationship with Him in His Holy Spirit. Your prayers will be answered. Joh 16:26,27
Holiness does not come from obedience. Here is the truth about holiness or righteousness :
It was His love that led the Holy Spirit to make Himself a body to be the sacrifice for our sins so that we can be in intimate personal relationship with Him.
In coming into us and us into Him we have His righteousness and His life. It is all a free gift that we receive by faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Faith Of Christ is our anchor. We trust in Him → who He is → what He said → what He did and thereby we are found in Him.
Why are so many Christians poor and weak? → God is our heavenly Father → Jesus bore stripes for our healing
Unbelief is rampant in orthodox Christianity. It holds on to platitudes and denies the power of God to actually change lives and thereby change society.
Most Christians are like the servant who received one talent and went and hid it. Anyone who invests their gift from God will see increase.
The law of Sowing And Reaping is the core principle in the Bible.
The reason why a person sows bountifully is that they have Heart Faith. The reason a person sows sparingly is that they operate in Head Faith tempered with doubt.
The reality is that orthodox Christianity has taught a bunch of hogwash.
Deny the above scriptures if you will. It is the Word Of The Lord and it will stand against rradition, error and just plain stubbornness.
See Word Of Doubt for more...