Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; - Joh 8:31
Many people have Relationships with the Lord .
Many of those people have Relationships which wax and wane in intensity.
Jesus was telling those who believed on Him that they must continue in His Word to become His Disciples .
A Believer Receives the Truth from Jesus.
A Disciple allows that Truth to Transform their Lives .
Discontinuity means there are breaks in the flow from source to destiny.
Discontinuous Relationships do not flow properly because of breaks.
Jesus said that He is the True vine and we are His branches.
A branch that has a break from the vine will not bear fruit and will eventually die unless the break is repaired.
Continuity is beautiful. Scratches on a painted surface are ugly.
Continuity is strong. A frayed rope is weak.
Continuity is dependable. A well-maintained electrical power supply connected by good wiring to an electric tool enables work to be done.
Our God is Beautiful , He is Strong , He is Dependable .
When we stay connected to Christ we Manifest His beauty , His strength and His Faithfulness .